Chapter 12 - The exam

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 I had mastered the art of my powers over the years. I had grown strong alongside my pokemon in battle. I could shapeshift , I could teleport,use futuresight, use telepathy, control other people's actions without them realising it and create fire and ice with just a flick of my hand but nothing, nothing could have prepaired me for the nerves and anxiety i got when i first walked into the exam battle field. I knew i would pass but i just couldnt help my feelings from deep down. 

I pushed the doors open to find a giant pokemon stadium. In the very middle was a battle field and surrounding it were 10 feet high, red stands. The battle field was made up of some form of sand and gravel composite. In the middle of the field stood a tall, muscley man. He wore a white coat which wasnt' done up , grey tracksuit shorts and a white hat with sun glasses. He didn't wear a t-shirt so his bare skin and abs were visable. I instantly knew who he was. "Yo Professsor Kukui." I started. " How's it been?" I asked. As i walked closer he realised who i was. " Hey Meliodas. I wondered when i'd see you here. I just knew you wouldn't miss an apportunity like this " He smiled. I ran up to go high five him but before i could he stopped me." Now you gotta listen. This is a strictly professional exam so i wont be going easy on you this time." He announced. I snorted " Yeh right." I had met Kukui when he first became a Professor. I helped him become strong and I helped him become an established professor. "So, a pokemon battle is this?" I asked. " Woah cousin did you use your freaky telling the future skills to work out that?" He enquired. I facepalmed. " No. First of all it doesnt work like that . It's futuresite not future telling and secondly, anyone could work that out from the fact we are stood in a pokemon field." I explained patiently. " Oh yeah. Shall we start then? It will be 1 v 1 good luck. You'll need it." He teased. I rolled my eyes in a friendly manner and nodded. He motioned me towards one side and the field. "I'll send out my pokemon first so you as a trainer have an advantage to choose your type wisely." He yelled as the field was so big that you couldn't hear people talk normally. He threw his pokeball and projected the blue lightning onto the ground. A dusk form Lycanroc appeared as the lightning vanished. "Wow your rocruff evolved into a dusk form. They are pretty rare." I Gasped. I thought for a moment. I knew all my pokemon would be able to defeat Lycanroc but i wasnt sure on which would get the highest marks for the exam. I finally decided. I would send out My Alolan Persion. "Nice, your meowth evolved." said Professor Kukui. 

Before i started my pokemon journey, one of the meowths had run away from the pokemon enclosure. Giovanni ordered me to capture it before it ws able to reveal any of our teams secrets to team skull incase it was still loyal. I quickly found it but it explained that it only wanted to find me. It had heard from other pokemon that i was starting a journey so it decided to join me on my adventure. 

"Hello? Earth to Meliodas."  I broke from my thoughts. " Shall we begin ?"I questioned. " Yup, let the battle commence!" He Announced.


"Lycanroc use stone edge!" Professor Kukui Ordered

"Dodge it then use Swift!" I Yelled.

The attack hit Lycanroc and he fell to the ground.

"Buu buut how ?" 

"All those times you beat me i was holding back."

"Ughhh get up lycanroc i know you can do this."

"Save it. I dont want pokemon to get hurt for no reason."

"Lycanroc get up!"

"Do you forfeit?"


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