Louis nods, grabbing his letters and ripping one open. He hears Harry do the same. His first three letters are a miss, but University of Bolton, Business School, accepted him. He clutches the letter in his hand, waiting for Harry to be done opening all his.

Once he has, Louis says, “I got into Bolton.”

“That's great, Lou,” Harry sounds enthusiastic, throwing his arms around him in an embrace.

Louis squeezes him back and laughs. “Alright, Harry, enough of you being a good person. Tell me all the schools you got into.”

“Okay,” Harry pulls back, looking insecure. Louis doesn't know why. “Brown, Princeton, University of Aston, University of Bradford, Brunel University, University of Wolverhampton, Yale, Cambridge, Cornell, NYU, University of California, Trinity University of Dublin, Oxford... Harvard.” He mumbles out the last one. “Everywhere I applied. How in the hell is that possible?”

“You're SAT's were off the charts,” Louis answers, “that's how.”

Harry's shaking. “I'm in awe,” he says.

Louis stands off the couch and pulls Harry to his feet, scooping him up by the backs of his thighs and spinning him around.

“That's amazing, baby,” he cheers. “You're so smart, Harry. So smart. I love you so much.”

“I love you, too, but can you put me down?” Harry inquires with a laugh, clutching onto Louis' shoulders.

Louis shakes his head playfully and grins. “Nope. I'm good having you like this.”

“You're going to drop me,” Harry says.

“Nope, never going to drop you,” Louis disagrees, jumping a little to hoist Harry's slipping body into a better position.

“Aren't I too heavy?” Harry asks.

“You're not, promise,” Louis replies.

“Spin me some more,” Harry requests. He makes sure his grip on Louis is tight.

“Okay. Hang on,” Louis instructs.

Harry laughs as Louis starts to spin him, his face lit up with happiness that Louis hasn't seen in a long time. Louis looks at how pretty he looks like this and can't stop the grin that takes over his face.

It matches the one on Zinnia's and Johanna's as they watch them by the coat rack.

“Having fun?” Johanna asks.

Louis stops mid-swing, depositing Harry to the ground. The two of them aren't big on PDA in front of Louis' mother. They get rather shy and reserved around her.

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