19//Office singing

Start from the beginning

"Heya." I smile as Max's face pops up on the screen.

"It's like 11 am. How are you dressed already.

"I'm at work." I say.

"You work?" He questions.

I look at him with blank expression.

"Max. How old am I?" I ask.

"Thirteen." He replies.

"Is it legal for thirteen year olds to have an office job." I ask.

"Ohhhhhhh." He says.

I clap my hands slowly.

"Well done." I say.

"Thank you, thank you." He messes.

Our topics range from reenacting funny vines to what type of dog we want.

"Okay. Dream holiday location." I nod.

"Disney Florida." He says.

"That would be so nice." I grin just closing my eyes.

"Me, you, the Ingram's, the leblancs, and Harvey." He says.

"We'd probably get kicked out without adults." I shrug.

"Cause we cool kids." He laughs.

"Then after. We go to universal." I smile.

"I wonder why?" He taps his chin.

"Cause Hardy Potter World. Duhhh." I laugh.

I decide to move into the little room in the middle of the office for more privacy.

"How can we re write the stars." I sing quietly as I scroll through Instagram." Say you were made to be mine? Nothing can keep us apart

Cause you are the one I was meant to find

It's up to you, and it's up to me

No one can say what we get to be

And why don't we rewrite the stars?

Changing the world to be ours ."

Max claps as I blush.

"Sorry."I turn off my phone.

"Don't worry. You sounded amazing." He smiles.

I blush even more.

"Let me guess. Talking to your girlfriend." Harvey smirks walking past.

"Don't have one." Max smirks.

"Sorry future girlfriend." Harvey smirks.

"You can talk. Where's Jayden?" Max asks.

"Put a sock in it." Harvey rolls his eyes.

"Sibling love." I laugh.

"If so much love for this." Max says pointing to Harvey.

"Twinzies!" Harvey screams.

"Well mate, we are twins." Max shakes his head.

"Well I gotta go. Talk to you later." I say before hanging up.

Zoë and Alfie are finished at the office so know we are heading down to the pier and we are probably going to get ice cream.

We walk down to the pier and the tide is out. We go so far down and Zoë nearly slips on the wet pebbles. Alfie skips stones as Nala sniffs around.

I just say down and take in my surroundings. Here is always a nice place to go. It's relaxing and I don't really mind the smell of the salt water. The only hazard is the seagulls. Any time, anywhere a massive white splotch could land on your head.

One of the cons of Brighton.

"How about we head up to bath next weekend. My grandparents want to catch up and so does my mum." Zoë asks us.

"Family road trip!" I laugh.

"Sounds like a plan." Alfie nods.

We all play around with Nala for a while.

"Nala is so cute." I smile as she chases a seagull.

"She ma little baby." Zoë says in a high pitcher voice.

"Shall we head home?" Alfie suggests.

"Yep. I'll make dinner." Zoë smiles taking his hand.

I manage to grab Nala's lead and Alfie puts an arm around me.

I lean my head against his side as we head over to the car.

What! Another short chapter. Not really surprising is it. I'm really sorry. Bigger better chapters are coming. Anyway. Max and Evie. Will it happen? Maybe it won't? Maybe they fight? Maybe they never talk again. Just do but a little doubt in your head. Soooo. I will see you next time I have a sorta decent chapter. Byeeeeee

The Journey Ahead  \\Sequel to ABZ// Where stories live. Discover now