You're welcome

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I get up with a growl.. I'm in a crapy mood from yesterday.

I look around to see the my owl is gone but my snake it wrapped around my torso vodka woke when I growled and stared at me.

I sigh "please stop looking at me like that.." I whisper to vodka she lays her head down.

I sit up and get out of bed with vodka still around my waist.

I walk in to my bathroom and grab a brush pulling it through my head I do what I need to do and with a sigh I finish what I have to do and leave the bathroom I change my under garments to crimson red ones with vodka still around my waist she brings a comfort to me.

I pick out black ripped jean shorts and a loose black cage the elephant band T with many tears in it and huge slices in the back, I look in the mirror and watch as vodka gets out from under my shirt and wraps his body around my torso her tale around my thigh and her hear rests on my shoulder she stairs at me I'm the mirror.

I put on mascara and liner I grab my phone and head phones putting them in my ears listening to the neighborhood afraid and leave my room walking down stairs.

I walk in to the loud room where more then just my mothers pack sits eating in it I get many looks I just turn up my music do that there sounds disappear.

I walk towards the food when someone very tall and very muscular and large blocks my way, vodka tighten her grip on me.

"Move." I say blandly pulling out and ear bud not looking up.

"That's no way to greet your elder brother!" Says an oh so femilure voice I thought I'd never hear again.

My heart stops and I look up and see blue eyes and long light brown hair my throat starts to swell "Axel" I choke out.

I feel vodka slither off my body as I throw my self in to my brothers awaiting arms.

"Hi bunny" his deep voice says in a gentle and soft tone saying the nick name that's faded from mind but never from my heart.

He holds my tight for few minutes and then sets me down on my two feet and vodka slithers her way back up in to get say position.

I look over my brother he is wearing jeans vans and a gray fitted t-shirt his long hair sitting agents his forhead.

Suddenly a thought comes to me... I look around at all the strong men and women mixed with Emile's (her mothers) pack some looking serious and worrier tough like and some having fun.

"Axel.....why are you here? Don't Get me wrong I'm overly happy that you are here.... but when the worrier pack took you and made you alpha I was told that I would never get to see you or hear for you again...i was supposed to treat it as you died and that's that... I never stopped missing you.. So why is the worrier pack here?" I frown in confusion and curiosity.

"Mom you haven't told her?" He friend looking at Emile.

I growl and my eyes glow erratically flashing colors, I feel my arm get yanked and I'm pulled away from the way I feel not wanting the hand to let go I know who it is, I slam Brittany in to a near by wall with a growl vodka gets down and quickly leaves.

"Jaxon! what are you doing?!" my brothers demanding voice floats to my ears with a stinging feeling.

"Jaxie focus on my voice look at me and only me, it's okay..whatever is making you mad forget about it. look at me..." Brittany's soft calming voice creases my mind and body and I relax as my eyes connect with hers.

"That's it push it it for a better time." my while body loosens and I pull her body to mine.

"Thank you." I whisper softly in to her ear and she shivers.

"You're welcome." she says warping her arms gingerly around my torso.

A/N: I'm ready for they hate I am going to get for taking to long on posting again. bring it on mate😉 till next time!

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