The Judges Houses, Return Of The Ginger Haired God and 20 Questions (Chapter 33)

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"I'm bitter because the two guys I had aa crush on are either way older or gay." She pouts.

"Harry?" I grin. She nods sullenly.

"Who else is worth liking and older than 16?" Alyssa asks.

"Jeff?" Ava asks.

"Ew, too old." Cher giggles.

"Matt! Matt Cardle!" I grin.

"Yeah, how do you know him?" She says sadly.

"He came up to me earlier and started a conversation." I shrug.

"Oh, he's pretty cute." Ava says thoughtlesly.

"So is your boyfriend Rebekah, good job." Alyssa grins.

"Thanks?" I laugh.

"No problem, are you guys nervous?" She asks.

" More than anything." Cher says.

"Same here." I mumble.

"I'm half and half." Ava says.

"I just hope I do well, any idea who her 'special' guest is?" Alyssa questions.

We all shake our heads as we Ava sits in the green grass. Alyssa, Cher and I follow her. We start a game of 20 questions to get to know each other.Halfway through the game we are all laughing at Alyssa confession to her first kiss.

"So, you were in a tree?" Ava gasps between breaths.

"Yeah, we were in a tree and I had braces, he had braces. Our braces got stuck together and we fell out of the tree together. My parents found us there about twently minutes later. My mom didn't know if she should be mad that I had a boy around while they weren't home or if sitting on the floor with our braces stuck together was punishment enough." She explains with dark pink cheeks.

"Couldn't you have just gotten up?" Cher asks confused.

"Totally, if my hair hadn't gotten caught in a stray branch my dad had cut down the day before." She laughs. We begin to laugh harder at the mental image.

"That's just bad luck." I smile.

"I know, it was terrible."

"Well what about you Rebekah? What was your first kiss?" Alyssa asks.

"Oh, well it was actually my best friend. Ryan was a good kid even though he stopped talking to me after I came here. It was the day before I came to England. All my friends had a small party, they were all inside when Ryan asked if I wanted to go outside because the house was so loud and a bit crowded." I pause at the thought of my first kiss.

"We were laughing and joking when we did that clíche thing were we stared into each others eyes and then kissed. Afterwards we laughed about it and I told him that I didn't feel that way about him. He laughed too but I could tell I hurt his feelings. We haven't talked since that night because he drove me home without a word and said a final goodbye. The next morning I left." I finish off my long story.

"Wow, tragic." Cher whispers.

"I know." Ava agrees.

"You said that he just stopped talking to you?" Alyssa asks.

"Yeah him, along with every other friend I had." I sigh.

"That's rough, but hey you have us now and even if any of us get off the show we will all continue to be friends right?" Cher asks cheerfully. I see all the other girls grin and nod, including myself.

"We've only known each other for about two hours but I feel like I've known you forever." Ava adds.

" I know, weird." I laugh. We finish out game of 20 question with one last question.

"Are you a virgin?" Cher smirks.

"No." Ava answers first.

"Alyssa?" Cher asks.

"Yes." She smiles shyly.

"Rebekah?" Cher smiles.

"No." I mumble.

"Hm two virgins, two...non-virgins? Is that what you would say?" Cher grins.

"I think." We all think about another word for a "Non-virgin".

"Cher, you're a virgin?" We ask.

"I am, haven't found the right lad yet." She smiles proudly.

"My first time was terrible." Ava frowns towards the floor.

"Why?" I ask with worry.

"I was drunk, he was drunk. There was no love or fireworks. I regret it, but you guys are good to wait." She smiles to Alyssa and Cher.

"Oh. what about you?" That ask me.

"It was with Zayn....It hurt but there was love and fireworks. I'm pretty sure he was a virgin too. It took him almost ten minutes to put a condom on." I giggle at the thought. They begin to laugh along with me.

"Boys really need to pay attention in heath class if that want know." Ava says. We begin to stand so we can head inside.

"It was so nice gettin to know you guys." Ava smiles as we walk to our rooms, its only about 10 PM but we have to be up at 9. I walk in to see Elly already in bed and asleep.I strip out of my clothes and into a pair of shorts and on of Zayns shirts I stole from him. I lay in the small twin bed and think about how long my day has been. Today I started off not know if I would do okay and now I feel confident I can make it.


I'm so sorry. I'm late...again. I love you though .-.

thank you for reading! Thank you thank you thank you thank you.

Anyway, what do you think? What about Ava, Alyssa and Cher? hmm? Oh and the "Mean girls" Sadie, Mini and Eva?

Anywhore, thanks for reading! I really, really appreciate it. If you like this story I would really appreciate it if you could check out my other story that kind if new called "Last Wishes" Its a Harry Styles fan fiction.

Thanks again for reading and I love you!

Vote? Comment? Maybe? ♥

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