Short Skirts, Raybans and Surprises(Chapter 32)

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The dancing we did only take up half the day. The 200 hundred people that stayed are left to do another stage of bootcamp.

"Listen up please!" A women says from up front. She's wearing jeans and a blouse but she looks in charge.

"The next event in bootcamp is the singing. You will all sing a short part of a song in front of everyone." She says to us. My face feels as thpugh it pales but I breathe and think about how I need to get over this fear if I want to continue in this competion.

"You have half an hour to pick a song amd practice. After that half an hour we will go in order starting with A's." I'm going to have to be one of the first ones.

"Hey don't worry, you will do amazing." He smiles.

"So will you." I grin and think of a song I already know.

"What're you going to sing?" I ask.

"Not sure yet, why don't you sing that one song you really liked a few weeks ago." He says.

"Well that narrows it down." I smirk.

"Shush, you. It was like sweater something." He thinks.

"Oh! Sweater Weather!" I yell as we walk to the cool spring air.

"Yes, that one." He says. "What about me?" He asks. I think for a bit and finally come to a conclusion.

"How about that cover of Love Story by Taylor Swift you did for me." I smile at the memory.

"Oh yeah. I will do that one." He smiles. We sit there talking for about 15 minutes until we realize we should just go inside and wait. Nearly everyone is inside we take a seat next to a group of girls and our other friends.

"Hey guys, where ya been?" Niall asks.

"Outside, needed some fresh air." I say.

"Are you prepared?" Liam asks.

"Yeah." We reply together.

"You two are so in sync its scary." Louis comments. Zayn and I shush him together which casuses our group to laugh.

"Five minutes until we start!" The woman from earlier announces. "Please make your way to the stage!" She calls out. We begin to walk from the aisles of seats to the stairs and towards the stage. 200 contestants fit onto the rather large stage.

"I'm going to call you by name to stand in the middle of the semi-circle you've formed and you're going to sing about two to three minutes of your chosen song." The women who is apparently Tanya, according to Niall, tells us about the next part of Bootcamp.

"First up, Elizabeth Alsly." A small girl with light brown curls stands from the inner of the circle. She looks confidents and very ready to sing. She begins Our Song by Taylor Swift. She happily sings and is proud of herself. Next is an older man by the name of Tom, he sings a song by Micheal Jackson. The line goes on and on until finally my name comes up. I nervously walk to the front. I swallow my nervousness and begin to sing. Its a capella so I hope it goes well, the next thing I know I'm told to cut it short so I stop after a line. I walk away quickly as another name is called. We are directed to another room and before I leave I catch Zayns eye, I mouth to him a 'Good Luck' and an air kiss.

I sit on a plastic chair outside of the stage and wait.

"Hi." A cheery voice says. I look up to see a man in jeans and a t-shirt. He has a small beard bit looks super young.

"Hello." I smile shyly.

"I'm Matt, what's your name?" He asks curiously.

"Rebekah, nice to meet you." I smile and shake his outstretched hand.

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