The Judges Houses, Return Of The Ginger Haired God and 20 Questions (Chapter 33)

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"You have the rest of the day and then until 9AM tomorrow." Other Cher smiles sweatly. We are directed to our rooms, which we are sharing. I luckily don't get roomed with Eva, Mini or Sadie. It the small confident girl whose last name starts with an 'A'. I later learned her name is Elizabeth but she likes to be called Elly. I practice my chosen song for a few hours outside in her huge backyard. I've chosen Lego House by Ed Sheeran. Since, Zayn loves it and its also easy for my to sing. I'm curious as to what Zayn and the rest of the boys are doing?

Me: How's your judges house?

I only wait a few minutes and soon my phone buzzes.

Zayn: Its so cool, and big! btw I got simon.

Me: Oh, I got Cher. Her house is comfortable.

Zayn: Must be confusing for Cher...comtestant cher.

Me: Yeah, we call Mentor Cher "Other Cher" lol

Zayn: You're adorable.

Me: Of course. haha how are the boys?

Zayn: GREAT! We are all happy we made it.

Me: I had a small feeling :)

Zayn: Well you were right. What song are you singing?

Me: I'm singing Lego House by the infamous, and I quote, ginger haired god.

Zayn: Return of the ginger haired god.

Me: You're lame, what are you singing?

Zayn: I'm offended, I'm not going to tell you.

Me: Baby, I loooove youu!

Zayn: Nope.

Me: Yes.

Zayn: No.

Me: Yes.

Zayn: Nope :)

Me: Zaaaaaaaaaayn

Zayn: Fine, I'm singing a song called Torn.

Me: Cool, do have a solo?

Zayn: Nah, we let Harry and Liam have the two solos, they have more experience.

Me: What do you mean? you sing all the time.

Zayn: I know haha. Harry used to be in a band though, and Liam tried out two years ago. See, experience.

Me: Harry was in a band? Liam tried out before?

Zayn: You didn't know? Harry was in a small band called White Eskimo and Liam tried out when he was 16.

Me: I guess it never came up in conversation.

Zayn: Harry doesn't like talking about it...

The girls call me after I receive Zayns text.

Me: oh, hey I have to go. talk to you later, love you.

Zayn: Love you too, goodnight and good luck.

"Aww, were you texting your boyfriend?" Cher teases.

"You know it." Ij grin to the small girl in front of me.

"Again, you guys are so cute. It makes me sick." She smirks.

"Damn Cher." Ava says with a small laugh.

"I'm just bitter." She groans.

"Why is Cher bitter?" Alyssa asks coming from the huge house.

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