CH 37 - My beast is back...

Start from the beginning

"I did what I had to; you're a stupid brat from a little village." She yells back. "A passing interest; I was born to be a princess."

"You're an insignificant nobody, who had to use a love potion to try and get My P'Pha." I reply.

She moves towards me screeching, perfect move you bitch. I'm going to bury you under the ballroom and let everyone dance over you. She freezes a second later looking behind me terrified, as P'Pha growls.

"That's his true love." Gramps tells her. "You touch him he will rip your arm off."

She screams as P'Pha keeps moving towards her and when he snaps his jaw like he's going to bite her, she faints. That so isn't fair! I didn't even get to slap her!

"Take her out, I will deal with her later." P'Pha's father tells a wizard.

"How the hell did she manage to get a love potion in here?" Ming asks.

"She had help." I point to the man sitting in a chair not far behind them.

Everyone turns to look; P'Kong is serious and moves closer to me and P'Pha when he sees him. The others look at me surprised.

"Wayo, he was a court wizard." The king tells me.

"He's also the one who was hiding the glass on the table." I tell them still watching him.

The man had been smiling before, but now he's looking seriously at me as though he's just seen me.

"He was using covered spells in the room, he stopped P'Pha leaving, and he tried to pull me away."

"I wouldn't say such foolish things child." He looks at me. "No one will believe you."

"I have a habit of believing my sons."

My father says walking into the room with my mother and P'Kit, who had gone out with the guests to find them, naturally. The Queen and one of the princes follow them in looking just as angry. The wizard looks worried when he sees my father.

"You really didn't do something that stupid, did you?" The Head Wizard asks, and when he gets no reply he starts casting revealing spells.

When the wizards move towards him he unleashes some spells. The court wizards counter them and P'Kong's put a shield around P'Pha, but it was a diversion and a spell hits me. Like before it coils around me holding me in place, but I can see it this time as it gets hotter and tighter.

"You always protect the prince, right?" He smirks. "Let me leave and I'll release the boy."

"You hurt my son..."

"You won't let me off after helping her Panichjayasawad ." He looks at my father. "I know what you're capable of."

"Don't make it worse..." One of the wizard's shouts.

"My magic mixes with the wizards, no one should have known." He looks at me. "How can a little boy have seen through my spells?"

I gasp when he tightens the rope, P'Pha growls leaving the shield and going for the wizard. The man casts a spell throwing P'Pha back. I lose my temper when I see P'Pha fall; I feel the forests anger as its magic surges through the bond. I focus on his spell and snap it with force, he falls back looking shocked.

Before he can stand I summon the roses in the vase near me, they rise and fly circling him. The stems move and grow rapidly, winding around him.

"How...what are you?" He glares at me struggling. "I'm going to deal with you...."

"Deal with me first!" My mother shouts throwing her heeled shoe at his head.

"You ruined my ball." The Queen shouts kicking the guy. "I'll kill you."

"I'll help you Yo." Ming punches him.

"How dare you go near my baby, you bastard." Mother says in a low voice before knocking him out with a candleholder...It might be safer to leave them to it...If I interrupt one of them might end me...

I hurry to P'Pha and sigh in relief when I see he isn't hurt. He pulls me close and hugs me, he was worried. He moves back and looks at me, gently stroking my hair.

"I'm okay P'Pha." I whisper, he rubs his cheek against mine.

"Ming you idiot, I wanted to punch that guy." P'Beam yells.

"It's not my fault you were too far away." Ming yells back.

"Calm down mother." One of the prince's shouts trying to stop the Queen, who wants to stomp on the wizard's face with her heel.

"I want retribution." The Queen snaps. "Don't mess with me, Knott."

"Stay calm dear, we sorted it." The king tries calming his wife.

"You let it happen under your nose!" The Queen yells. "My ball..."

"Uncle." P'Pha's father sighs. "How do we fix Phana?"

Everyone calms down a little while waiting for Gramps to talk. The king tries holding his wife's hand, but she slaps it away.

"He can change back himself." Gramps answers. "Okay Phana, you need to think about being a human again, and want it really badly."

P'Pha doesn't listen; he carries on stroking my hair. When I try and stop him he looks really sad...I let him carry on...while I think what to do.

"So he needs a reason?" P'Kit asks.

"A very strong one." Gramps nods.

"We take away Yo." Ming grins walking towards me. "And if he wants him back he has to change."

He yelps when P'Pha takes a swipe at him, but P'Kit manages to pull him back in time. I sit quietly as P'Pha bear hugs me from behind with his chin on my head, and he keeps growling at anyone who comes close. I think I have an idea but it's going to be embarrassing as hell with so many people around. Let's keep thinking...

"Any other way?" P'Pha's father asks.

"An antidote, I know the ingredients!" Gramps claps his hands laughing. "But it will take three months to make..."

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