"I just... Nothing." I didn't want to make him feel bad and feel guilty about whatever he chooses to do. I just wanted him to be happy and if moving to California and working there made him happy then I had to put my selfishness to the side and let go. 

"We can talk about this but nothing you say is going to change my mind. If he asks me to go, I'm going. It's my job." 

"I know but-" 

"No. McKinley, I can't stay here just because of you." He said. I looked down and played with my fingers. "My job is important. If we were getting married or if we had a kid it would be different but we're not and we don't. I'm free to move anywhere I want." 

"I know." I commented. "I'll support you no matter what you decide." I commented. I would be upset with it, when he decided to go there but I would support him. "Does your mom know?" I asked. 

"No. I want to keep this on the down low. I don't want my family to get all crazy. He might not even have us go over there." 


"Well yeah. Ashton, Calum, and Michael will come with me." I nodded my head. At least he wouldn't be totally alone over there. "We can talk more later. I'm hungry." He left the room. I sat up and let my feet hit the floor but I stayed where I was. There was nothing that I could do to make him stay. 


I was extremely nervous about this dinner with my boss. I had no idea what his decision was but I was praying that it was for us to go there. It would be a lot more money and a lot more people would know who I was and what the company was and it would be amazing. 

I had warned McKinley a bunch of times before we got there to behave. I knew she wouldn't say anything bad to make my boss change his mind but I knew that she wasn't really excited about the whole situation. 

We were seated in a private room and the guys were already here. We greeted them before sitting down and making small talk. McKinley stayed quiet the entire time. 

When my boss came in we all stood to greet him. I introduced him to McKinley. 

"Oh, not gonna be easy to leave this one." He said and her face changed but she smiled through it before looking at me. 

"Does that mean you picked us?" I asked. 

"Sit, we can discuss it." He commented. I sat down and waited for him to walk around the table and sit down. "I have decided that if you boys would like to, to send you to Los Angeles." He commented. "It's up to you. You don't have to make a decision now. You can talk about it for a few weeks. One of you can go, the rest can stay, you can all go. I don't care I just need the final decision by June on who's going." He commented. 

"I'm going." I blurted out. I didn't care what anyone else wanted. I was going with or without them. 

"Woah, shouldn't we talk about this?" Michael commented. Obviously it would be hard for Michael to leave, his daughter was buried here and his entire family all lived in the city. 

"We can talk about it but I'm going." My eyes shifted from him to Ashton and Calum. They all seemed a little alarmed. 

"I can't make that kind of decision right now." Ashton said. I didn't blame him. For some it was easy and for other's it wasn't. Ashton had younger siblings, who he was super close with so leaving them was going to be difficult. The only thing here stopping me was McKinley but I knew that if she really cared about me, she wouldn't hold me back. 

Bowls filled with pasta were brought to the table and everyone started to eat. McKinley kept her head down for most of the dinner. I felt terrible. I knew that I should have given her a straight answer when she asked me about it but I couldn't bring myself to tell her. This was just something I had to do. 

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