Kids with a plan~36

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I was running around the apartment cleaning trying to hide anything that wouldn't be appropriate for an 11 year old to be around. Audrey was coming today and I was super nervous. Her and her parents would be the first ones to see the apartment that I shared with my boyfriend. 

Thankfully Luke was at work so that I could get this done and he would be at work when they got here so I could show them around without him being here. They were going to be here any minute and I was getting super nervous. They would be staying for lunch and then they were heading over to the airport. 

Petunia was waiting at the front door patiently and got super excited when the doorbell rang. I walked to the door and opened it. 

"Hi!" I smiled letting them inside. I hugged them all before closing the door behind them. "I'll show you to the guest room." I commented showing them the guest room. "And then our room is across the hall if you need anything. The bathroom is there," I opened the door to show her. We had to keep the door closed because Petunia liked to eat towels. "And then the kitchen, dining room, office, and living room." I smiled. 

"This is a fancy place you got yourself." My uncle said sitting down at the island. 

"Well actually, it was Luke's and I moved in when my lease was up." I answered pulling the homemade pizza's out of the oven and offering drinks to them. 

"Where is Luke?" Audrey asked. 

"He's at work." I answered. "He got a new client today so I might to go bring him dinner." I commented cutting up the pizza and putting it on plates. 

"I wanna go!" She said. I had gotten the week off that she's going to be here but promised Courtney that I would work from home for a few hours a day. I'm sure she was going to sleep in so I could just work while she was sleeping. 

"You can come." I had no idea who's Luke client was, he usually never said who came into the studio and I just prayed that it was someone who was just starting out so Audrey wouldn't freak out over whoever it was. 

We ate lunch before my aunt and uncle said their byes to Audrey and they were off to the airport. They promised to text when they landed. 

"So, wanna go shopping?" I asked her and she nodded her head. 

"I'm gonna go change!" She shouted running down the hall. I giggled a little while I got on my shoes. 

"Something warm! And shoes that you'll be able to walk in." I shouted down the hall before grabbing my purse and phone. I texted Luke to let him know that she was here and that I was taking her shopping. She came out in an oversized sweater, leggings and a pair of knee high boots. She then had a jacket over it. "Ready?" I asked. 

"Yeah." She smiled. We walked into the city and then would take a cab to the studio and would probably stay until Luke was ready to go home and he would just drive us. I took her to a few stores I knew she would enjoy before we went to Target. 

"I just need a few things." I commented. 

"No worries." She smiled as I shopped and she stayed close. I was standing in the tampon aisle trying to decide on which ones would be best. "What's having a period like?" She asked. 

"Mine aren't that bad." I shrugged. "Some are worse than others. I know some people who have a hard time getting out of bed and other's who go about their day like nothing is happening." I commented. "Have you gotten yours yet?" I asked. I should probably buy some pads just incase she needs them while she's here. 

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