Outlook On Life~1

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"Kin, just take the day off." I shook my head at my boss. I knew that I hadn't been feeling...myself but I knew that I could push all of that aside and show up to work. 

"No. I'm fine." 

"McKinley, your hands are shaking and you can't sit down for more than thirty seconds, you're not fine." Although she was my boss, Courtney was also my friend. Along with Courtney being both of those things, she worried about my health a lot more than she needed too. 

"I'm fine. I swear." 

"Whatever Kinley." She said walking away clearly getting annoyed with whatever I was doing. 

"No, Court, I'm sorry. I'll take tomorrow off okay?" She nodded. 

"I'm just really worried about you." She said looking me right in the eyes. I gave her a small smile, I knew she was worried and I had been trying my hardest to act normal. 

"I know but can you just trust me that I'm okay?" I questioned. She knew the story of why I was this way, she knew that there were things that made me freak out and she was totally fine with that. 

"I don't trust you." She said squinting her eyes at me and I laughed. "Head home, Kin, we're fine here." 

"No, I'm honestly fine. Please believe me." 

"No, McKinley, go home. Rest. Take a bath or something." I sighed. 

"Fine." I said grabbing my stuff, I mean I didn't really mind. I would go home and drink some tea, take a bath, watch some Netflix or read and my life would be complete. "I'll see you soon." I said as I left the office. The walk to my apartment took about ten minutes or so, without stops. But I decided to stop and get a tea from Starbucks so it would take me closer to fifteen minutes to get home. 

"McKinley, you're home early." My neighbor, Sam said and I rolled my eyes. Sam had a crush on me and has since I moved in here over a year ago. 

"Yup." I said. Sam didn't have a job and he was living with his parents at the young age of 25. 

"Why are you home?" He always asking me so many questions, it was like he was at the age where all he asked was why just over and over. 

"My boss let me go early." I answered shifting through the mail that I pulled out of my mail box. 

"Do you have any plans tonight? I can cook you dinner." 

"No thank you, Sam." I declined his offer and I heard him sigh. I looked up at him and he was giving me sad eyes. "Sam, I've told you before that I'm not interested in dating anyone. I don't want to get married and what's the point of dating if we're just going to break up?" I explained myself. I had this while thing planned out when I was younger of when and where I was going to get married and what my wedding dress would look like. 

And then my father crushed and broke every single one of my dreams and ever since that day I have deemed that men are not worthy of my time and I spend little to now time with them. 

"I know but if you just give me a chance I might be able to change your mind." He said and I rolled my eyes. I really didn't want to deal with this right now. 

"Sam, please stop. I've told you no over and over again and it would be nice if you would stop asking. No mean's no. I wish men would realize that women are allowed to say no." I walked away from him before heading up the two flights of stairs to my apartment. It was a small place, one bedroom of decent size, a bathroom that I wish was bigger but that's okay, a living room, and a kitchen. It was all I needed for one person. 

Mr. Book StoreOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora