Mount McKinley~3

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The next day I had called Luke to ask if he wanted to go to my work Christmas Party and he of course said yes. So when I headed to work on Monday and Courtney asked if he was coming, I couldn't say no. 

"Yes." I answered her as we drank coffee together before we got to work. 

"How was your date?" 

"Really good. We just had pizza and then we walked around to look at the lights. I had a lot of fun." I smiled as I ate my bagel. "He's this simple guy and I really hope this works out." I said and she looked at me. 

"You're sure that's what you want?" I nodded. 

"I had promised myself years ago that I would never change my mind about stuff like this and then he walked into my life and for some weird reason I trust him." I said looking at her. I almost had tears in my eyes and I wasn't sure why. Luke had changed my mind about a few things and I have no idea how he did it . 

"Did you tell him about your dad?" She whispered and I nodded. "Did he ask about your family?" 

"Kinda." I said. "He asked me why I was so afraid of going on a date and I just told him." 

"Have you talked to him since then?" 

"Yeah, he's always texting me and I called him yesterday to see if he wanted to come to the Christmas party with me." I said as I pulled my laptop out to start typing. Our boss, Like both mine and Courtney's, asked us all to write a short story and because I already have stuff written, I'm not worried but I often have to write down my ideas. 

"Did he kiss you?" She asked and I shook my head. 

"Only on the cheek and forehead." I answered. "I don't think he wanted to freak me out." I answered. 

"Did you want him to kiss you?" She asked and I shrugged. "Are you lying to me?" 

"He doesn't need to kiss me. We just met, we're not worried about that." 

"You're already on the 'we' stage." The what? Has she lost her mind? 

"What are you talking about?" I asked her as I sipped on my coffee. "What is the 'we' stage?" 

"The stage where you refer to both of you all the time. We bought a dog. We're going to move in together. We don't like that type of food. Stuff like that." I looked at her with the most confused look ever. 

"I think you've lost your mind." She rolled her eyes at me just as my pone buzzed with a new text from Luke. 

"Is that him right now?" She asked and I nodded. "What does he want?" 

"To meet for lunch." I smiled at her. "Should I say yes?" 

"Well duh!" She said. "I'll even give you a longer lunch." She said smiling at me. 

"Really? Thanks." I said texting him back to let him know that I would love to go to lunch with him. I ave the times that I was able to leave and he said he would meet me here. 

When lunch time rolled around I packed up my laptop and placed it in my purse just as Luke came into the office through the elevator. 

"Hey." I said hugging him and kissing him on the cheek. "How are you?" 

"I'm good, how are you?" He questioned as he grabbed my hand. 

"I'm okay. A little tired. Someone! kept me up all night." I said giggling and he laughed. 

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