One Year~31

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It has officially been one year since McKinley and I started dating. It was one of the greatest years of my life. She was an amazing person and I would willing spend the rest of my life with her. Of course we had the times where we were fighting or we were annoyed with each other but I still loved her more than I've ever loved anyone in this entire world. 

I woke up early to run to the store to get her flowers and make her breakfast. I was going to make this day as special as I could. I had set up a scavenger hunt and made Michael, Ashton and Calum wait there with a gift to give to her once she found them. It took me days to figure out how I was going to do it. 

I started on the bacon and sausage and started brewing coffee. I could hear her groan before her feet hit the floor and she went into the bathroom. I waited a few more minutes before she came out and wrapped her arms around me. 

"Good morning." She mumbled against my bare back. 

"Good morning." I smiled as I flipped the bacon. "Pancakes or eggs?" 

"Pancakes." She commented letting me go. She stood beside me getting a cup of coffee. 

"Happy one year." I smiled kissing her. She wrapped one arm around me and kissed me back. 

"Happy one year." She smiled going to sit at the table where the flowers were sitting with a card that explained where the first stop was. "Can I open this?" She questioned. 

"Of course." I smiled. I started on the pancake mixed. I watched her as I pulled the box down. She smelled the flowers before opening the card and read what I wrote. 

"We're going on a scavenger hunt?" She asked looking at me and I nodded. "That's awesome!" She smiled. 

"It'll be fun." I commented. I went to grab the chocolate chips and found a box with a bow on it. "What's this?" I asked turning to show it to her. 

"Something." She giggled. "Open it." I tore open the box and in it sat a brand new rolex watch. 

"Oh my god." I looked at her. "You're amazing." She smiled standing up to hug me. "It's awesome." She helped me put it on before kissing me. 

"I'm glad you like it." I admired it before getting back to cooking and setting a plate in front of her with pancakes, bacon, syrup and butter. 

"Enjoy, my lady." She giggled as she ate and I sat down across from her. Once we were both done we cleaned up and went to take a shower together. As much as I wanted to have sex with her in the shower, I knew that the boys were waiting to go about their days so I stopped her and told her later. 

"Why later?" She whined. 

"Because we have plans. Let's go." I got out of the shower and dried off my body and hair before getting into warm clothes. 

"Where are we going first?" She asked holding the card. 

"You haven't figure it out yet?" I asked. 

"No. I haven't." She glared at me making me chuckle. 

"The pizza place where we had our first date." I answered holding her hand. "And then I'll stop and get you a coffee or something." I kissed her hand. I pulled up to the pizza place and Ashton was standing outside with her next clue and the first gift. She got out and nearly ran to him and hugged him. 

"Enjoy." Ashton smiled at both of us before leaving. I had already told the guys that I would take them out for drinks sometime next week. 

McKinley opened the box that had a gift certificate to the spa in it. I knew she was dying to get a massage and she's been asking me for weeks to get a couples massage. 

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