I feel protected here~4

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"Kin!" I shouted through her apartment. I knew that she was probably in the bathroom or something. 

"In here!" She shouted and I walked down the hallway and opened the door that I heard her voice come from. She was laying in bed still. "Hi." She smiled at me. 

"Hello, what are you up to?" It had been a week since that Christmas Party and we've talked non stop and now I just wanted to chill but she said she didn't want to leave her bed so I brought her pizza and fries. 

"I don't feel good." She answered pouting at me. 

"Awe, what's wrong?" I questioned setting the pizza box down on the bed and walking over to her side of the bed, resting my hand on her forehead. 

"My throat hurts." She pouted. 

"Yeah, you're hot too." 

"Why thank you!" She said giving me flirty eyes making me laugh. 

"Do you have medicine or do you want me to run to the store and get some?" She shook her head. 

"In my bathroom, there's medication. Under the cabinet." I nodded before heading out of the room and into the bathroom. I opened the cabinet underneath the sink and pulled out the box that was in there. A tampon came flying out scaring the crap out of me. I shivered before putting it back and grabbing the medication that she described to me. "What was that yell that I heard?" She questioned as I handed her two of the pulls and a glass of water. 

"Uh, nothing." I said laying in the bed next to her. She laughed a little probably figuring out what I yelled at. "Anyway, my moms birthday is next week and my brother's are throwing her a party. Would you like to go with me?" I asked her. 

"Can I have some more details? Where is it?" 

"It's in their hometown, which is about four hours away from here. So we could stay there, get a hotel. It's just a dinner with her friends and family." I said to her and she looked at me. "They live in Newport." I clarified for her. 

"And you're sure you want me there?" 

"Yes, of course." I said kissing her forehead. "I want you everywhere." I answered her pulling a piece of pizza out of the box. "Would you like a piece?" I asked helping her sit up and getting the pillows comfortable behind her. We had only been seeing each other for two weeks and I hadn't officially asked her to be my girlfriend yet and Ashton was pushing for it but I had decided to wait until we got to know each other before asking her out. 

"What do you want to watch?" She questioned pulling up Netflix onto the T.V. 

"Anything." I answered opening the fries. This women changed the way I ate. 

"Luke?" She said and I turned to her. 


"Will you stay with me tonight?" She asked and I nodded. "Thanks." She said resting her head on my shoulder. "How was your day?" 

"Good. I got worried when you said you weren't going to work." 

"I'm sorry." She said looking at me. "I missed going out to lunch with you." She said. 

"Yeah but we can have dinner tonight and we can cuddle all night." I said to her looking over at her and she closed her eyes. 

"You're staring." She said smiling. I hadn't noticed. 

Mr. Book StoreTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon