The Proposal~16

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*Just so everyone knows, it is July in this chapter. Luke and McKinley have been dating for 7 months*

Since the weather has been much warmer, Luke had decided that we should head to his parents for the weekend to join in with the barbecue they were having. I had decided to get out of work early on Friday so that we could get there Friday night and be able to sleep in tomorrow morning. 

I met Luke at his place and dragged my bag out to sit next to his car before walking into his house where he was waiting for me. 

"Hi." I smiled kissing him. "How was your day?" 

"It was okay. How was your day?" 

"Same. Got home early to pack and come over here. Now here I am." I smiled. I was very excited to spend the weekend with him and his family. His family were such lovely people and being around them made me so happy. They were like the family that I never had. 

We had finally gotten in the car by 3 meaning we wouldn't get to his parents until 7 which was fine by me but eventually I was going to be hungry. 

"Can we stop for some food?" He nodded as he drove and I looked back down at the book that I was reading. I had my feet propped up on the dashboard, even though Luke hated it. I was more than comfortable. 

"What do you want to eat?" He asked. 

"Could really go for Moe's." I answered as I looked up to see where we were. "Where are we?" I asked and he sighed. 

"Somewhere." He answered. I could tell he seemed a little annoyed so I sat up straighter and put my feet on the floor. 

"Are you okay?" I asked and he nodded. "I'm not really that hungry." I answered taking a sip of the water bottle that I had brought with me. I didn't want to do anything that would annoy him further. 

"My mom said she got a blow up mattress that would be big enough for both of us so we can sleep on that if you want to."

"Whatever you want to do." I answered turning back to my book. The ride was quiet until my stomach began growling and he looked over at me. 

"Why didn't you tell me you were hunger?" He asked. 

"I didn't realize." I answered looking up to see him pulling off the exit. "There's a Wendy's down here right?" I asked and he nodded. "Are you sure you're okay? You can talk to me you know." I said and he nodded. 

"I'm fine." I became quiet as he pulled into the Wendy's drive thru and ordered what we both wanted before continuing to drive. We still had about another hour until we got there. 

As soon as we got there I jumped out of the car to greet his parents while he hung back.

"It's so good to see you." Liz said as she hugged me tight.

"It's good to see you too." I said as we let go and watched Luke get out of the car and come over to her. 

"What's wrong?" She asked hugging him. 

"My boss is just so annoying." He answered as she brought him inside and I went to his trunk to get our stuff. I also grabbed the trash and threw it away before heading to his room with our bags. I sat on his bed reading over emails that Courtney had sent me while Luke talked with his mom. 

I sipped on my tea as I went back and forth between talking to Courtney and my mother to see how her divorce was coming along. Luke came up the stairs huffing and came into the room.

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