"Hi, Kris." He purred effectively breaking that silence between them. "I hope I didn't make you wait too long." He said with a low whine, looking up at her with big sharp eyes. Her gaze met his and she juggled her lip piercing between her teeth.

"Not at all, Yoongi." His name came out of her mouth like silk. Her voice was laced with honey and lust. He shivered and resisted the urge to smirk.

"Are you ready to go? I really appreciate this by the way. I feel much safer with you around." It wasn't entirely true. He never really felt threatened by these streets, he had walked them a million times. It didn't honestly make him feel any safer but he didn't mind her there. Maybe that had something to do with the ulterior motive he had.

"No problem, I'm glad." She took his arm and he felt like the girls in those romantic movies. He felt cheesy for blushing but his body betrayed him and he did it anyway. "Your place is actually only a few blocks from mine." They began walking.

"How do you know that?" He said, his little nose scrunched up in confusion and his pink tinted lips pouting out slightly.

Kris smirked once more at him. "I'd been meaning to ask you out, but I'd gotten nervous mid-question and ended up following you home." She charmingly rubbed the back of her neck.

Yoongi blushed furiously and nodded before turning his gaze to the concrete passing beneath them.

It was silent after that. The silence wasn't awkward but Yoongi couldn't help but have a shivering feeling that someone was following them, but each time he looked back no one was there. He eventually stopped. He didn't want Kris to think he was weird or paranoid.

Then Kris stopped walking.

He looked up at her, silently asking why she stopped.
She chuckled at his expression before gesturing to his apartment building.

Oh. Of Course.

The walk always seemed much longer when he was alone. He began making his way up his stairs. Giving her a chance to stop him.

He made his way to the third step when she called out to him. He smirked before turning back to her, with false innocence decorating his face.

"Yes?" He purred out. In an Instant, Kris' grey irises considerably darkened. Yoongi gasped when she quickly snatched his waist and pulled him close to her body. She grabbed the back of his head and kissed him roughly.

He squealed at how rough she was being before responding by wrapping his slender arms around her neck.

She picked him up by his waist and he instinctively wrapped his legs around her hips. She carried him up the rest of the stairs and took his key out of his bag and opening his apartment door. Her grip on his slender hips never faltered. This was going much quicker than Yooni had imagined but he supposed beggars can't be choosers.

She dropped him to his feet and proceeded to close the door behind her while taking off her jacket. She tugged his jacket off of his lithe body in one try and reconnected her lips to his desperately. Yoongi giggled and bit her lip, rewrapping his arms to her neck.

She responded by gripping his ass with a low growl. He whined and tugged the bottom of her shirt. She complied with his silent request, releasing her hold on him momentarily before tugging off her shirt, revealing her abs and the gray sports bra she wore under it.

"Clothes. Off. Now." She said in a husky voice dripping with impatience. She lounged back then, taking a seat on the couch.

He bit his abused lips and tugged his shirt over his head and then wiggled out of his pants with deliberate slowness. She growled at him to hurry it up. He relented, huffing under his breath because he didn't get to tease her, pulling his pants off fully and giving her a slight pose.

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