Help Me

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Dreamstirling29 here's your requested imagine!! Hope you like it

"Hi, I'm here to see Norman Bates," I say to the lady at the window in the mental hospital. His mom had contacted me, saying he was worse. And he kept asking for me; saying he wanted to see me.

I must admit, I was terrified to see him. The last time I was with him, he hurt me very badly. But I felt like I had to go. I had to do it for him. I still loved him, although he sometimes forgot that he loved me.

"One moment, please," she responded. She made a call as I stood there, awakeardly, trying not to think of all the horrible ways Norman could kill me, or all the things he could say to me.

The attendant jolts me out of my thoughts, saying, "Follow me, please." I grip my purse and walk behind her as she leads me through a maze of halls and corridors, and finally into a room
With a regular chair and a chair with very many straps leading out of it. I can only think that the straps are to bind a person that sits in it.

"He will be in here in a second. When he gets in here, he will be tied down to this chair so he can't hurt you. There will be guards standing by the door, so if anything happens, you can have some help. There's no need to be afraid." She smiles, then walks out.

Be afraid? Has she even met Norman Bates? He could break my neck with one twist of his arm, and she thinks I have no reason to be afraid??

My thoughts are interrupted by then door opening again. I turn to see a shabby, pale, dark-circles-under-eyes- Norman, held tightly by two burly gaurds. He sees me and a slight smile creeps into his lips. I return the smile, as the guards bind him down to the chair with the black straps. As soon as he's secure, they retreat to the door.

"H-hey, Norman," I stutter. "H-how are you doing?"

"Well, I feel like I'm in a mental hospital," he responds. "Can't get much better than that."

I gulp, fear getting the better of compassion. "Well, Norman, you did attack me with a hammer, so you need some serious help. Here's the place where you get that."

He chuckles menacingly. "Help. That term is thrown around so loosely around here. It means nothing to me anymore. Help means to shove you underwater and nearly drown you. Help is to bind you down to a chair whenever you want to talk to someone." He takes a deep breath and then says, "I'm sorry."

I'm quite taken aback. "S-sorry? Sorry for what, Norman?"

"I'm sorry I hurt you. I never meant to. It's like my mind took complete control of my body and I- I couldn't stop it. I love you, Katie, and I never wanted to hurt you. I'm so sorry." Tears are spilling down his face as he looks at me.

"Norman, I know that wasn't you who came at me with a hammer that night," I respond. "I knew that wasn't you. You're eyes weren't as warm, and you're mind was elsewhere, I could tell. It's ok, Norman. I forgive you."

He smiles and sniffs up His tears. The guards come over and untie him, then grab him to take him back to his room  Before he goes out, he calls over his shoulder. "I love you, Katie. I can't wait to get out of here and kiss you again."

I smile and stand up. "Me too, Norman. Me too."

Wow. This was really trashy. But Dreamstirling29 I hope it was what you wanted. Leave me more requests and comments and votes guys!! byyyyee

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