Working with Norman Bates part dos

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Heeeeeeey y'all. Here's the other part to what I started yesterday. I've got  horrible headache right now and my work may be trash because of it. enjoy

That Saturday, I got my language arts stuff in my backpack and walked the three miles to Norman's place. The old place still looked relatively the same, except the motel's name was now Bates Motel. Makes sense.

I walked up the stairs to the front door of the huge house in the back. Knocking three times, I found myself tugging ant my hair, trying to make it look better. I immediately stopped as a woman of about 50, with blonde hair and gray eyes, opened the door.

"Um, hi, I'm here to work with Norman on a project," I say, not sure what else to say.

"Hi,"the woman responds. "I'm his mom. Won't you come in?"

"Uh, okay," I respond a little awkwardly. She leads me into the kitchen, where I see Norman standing by the sink. "H-hey, Norman. Um, ready to get started?"

He smiles, showing off his adorable dimples. "Yeah, sure."

"Now, hold on, Norman," his mom interrupted. "I want to get to know Katie here a bit. Sit down, sweetie."

I pull out a kitchen chair and sit how my mom taught me to- legs together, ankles crossed, hands folded in lap. She sits down in front of me and starts asking questions.

"So how old are you?"


"Where do you live?"

"Um, my dad has a shop in town, we live in the space above. I glance at Norman, a little ill at ease. He notices and cuts in: "Mom, we've got a lot to do, so we're just going to go upstairs and get to work."

"Well, if you must,"she responds. "Have fun."

Norman grabs my arm and nearly drags me out of the kitchen and up the stairs. We go into his room and he lets go of me.

"Geez, where's the fire?" I ask, laughing.

"No fire. She's just embarrassing you. Come on, let's get started." I sit in his bed- oh, come on, that's not weird-right?- and he sits in his rocking chair at the foot of the bed.

We come up with a half decent poem in about 2 hours. Hers how it goes:

In the forest,
Cloaked in leaves,
The waving branches reach like claws,
Wanting to claim you
As it's own
And no matter how fast you run
They will always be there,
Trying to touch you
To hurt you
And claim your heart.

Not bad, eh? We think it's good.

"So, uh, Katie," Norman stutters. "Um, this might be a little too forward, but um- uh, im trying to say- well, can we hang out later, maybe? Like at the beach or something-"

"Norman," I cut in. "I'd love to." I smile, studying his blue eyes. "Next weekend?"

"Y-yeah, sure," he says, returning my smile. For a minute, we just look in each other's eyes, deep.

I'm not conscious of movement, but suddenly I'm scooting closer to him, still deep in his eyes. Norman leans toward me, his lips parted.

"Norman! It's nearly dinner!" Comes a voice downstairs. Mrs. Bates, most likely. We snap out of it and I pack up my things.

"Next weekend, ok?" I say, hurrying downstairs.

"Ok," he responds, waving. "Bye, Katie."

"See ya, Norman!" I call back, then head out the door to my house.

I've got a date with Norman Bates. This is a joyous life!!!"

Ok the ending sucked ass😂😂 but it's the best I can do rn. I do t feel great so I'm out. Hope you enjoyed leave a vote and comment. byyyyyeee

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