7. The Last Straw

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You stopped making videos. Just Temporarily though, but you found out you need to clear your head before showing your face again on camera. Who knows what would happen, so you're taking a break. As long as you need it to be.

You wake up in your bed. Anti, who slept on the floor, is downstairs. He should be with you to keep watch, but he left to go get food for you. He also took your knife so you can't do anything. You've apparently lost your privileges.

Anti think he knows what wrong with you, but he won't say it yet. You think he wants to be positive that whatever he is thinking is correct before telling you.

You think you're sick. Staying up the previous night and waiting for Anti to return, then fainting, then finding our that there's another world where someone there wants to kidnap you, in that order, doesn't help the cause. Plus you haven't eaten. So Anti is down there making food for you because you probably shouldn't be near sharp things or flammable objects.

Thankfully, he didn't go to the Other World last night. You kept waking up to see him laying on the floor. But tonight, you know he has to go.

But you don't want him to. He is too weak without you. Which is another thing: why hasn't he brought you with him yet? Yeah, he said it was risky, but if we went now, he would be stronger than ever before, be able to get rid of Dark, then hurry back home! In and out.
Why is he being so selfish!?

You suddenly get up and quietly go downstairs.

Anti is doing something at the stove, his back tuned to you. You hear cracking and popping coming from a pan, which you can tell by his lack of attention to you, he didn't hear you enter the kitchen.

Your fists are clenched as an unreasonable reaction to anger. You stand there in the door just looking at Anti with furrowed eyebrows, how can he look so calm when there is a demon trying to kill you both!?

You need his attention.

You glance around the room, and on the island in the center of the kitchen, is a pair of scissors. You get an idea.

You quietly sneak the pair into your hand, watching Anti with intensity, careful not to make noise.

He still works at the stove. You almost wonder why he hasn't synced into your mind to see what you're doing, or why he isn't making sure you aren't harming yourself. He's being foolish.

Then, unlike a normal person, you chuck the scissors straight at Anti's head.

They miss by a couple inches, and lodge into the wooden cabinet next to him.

He violently jumps and flings a piece of oil-covered bacon on his arm. "JESUS FUCK!"

He swats the bacon off and holds his hand on the burn. He turns around towards a furious and confused you.

"(y/n) what the fuck? What is wrong with you?"

You just start laying off on him. "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? Why haven't you taken me to the Other World yet? By now Dark could be dead and we could be safe! But no! You're being foolish! Wanting to protect me? I can take care of myself!"

You pivot on your heel and storm upstairs. Anti follows you.

You get to your room before him, and hide behind the door. Then, as Anti walks in, you sneak behind him, and steal your knife from his belt.

He suddenly turns around and faces your knife, which is now being held out at a threatening three inches from his nose.

Anti puts his hands up and says in a soothing voice, "(Y/n)... Put the knife down."

"Im not a child, Anti," you say in warning. "Take me there and hide me away. I'll do whatever you say! But no!" You slash your knife against the wall. "You think it's too risky! When really, when we are there, you will be stronger than ever, can defeat him in one day, then we will be safe!"

You feel your head go woozy. You have no control over your actions or words. In fact, you don't think you truly know what you are saying. What are you, on drugs? It feels like it.

"Tttake Darkimoo by surprise!" You laugh hysterically and your head gets fuzzy.

"HAHAHAHAHA! You'll just strrrrrike him down and he won't expect it!" You swing your knife around like you're drunk. Anti takes this opportunity and reaches for your arm. But you move it just out of his reach at last second.

"You know? I could probably just march right in there straight to Dark and go, 'knock knock' 'who's there?' SLICE right into tiny bloody pieces! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Now Anti finally gets a grasp of the knife in your hand, and wrestles you to the ground.

You growl and try to fight him off, but he throws you down and pins your shoulders to the floor. You start screaming. You won't let go of the knife.

But as Anti sits on top of you, he twists your arm in such a way, it hurts and you yelp out. But it also releases your grip, and he snatches the knife away and throws it on your bed, out of your reach.

"NoooooOOOOOOO!" you start crying and punching, but you're so weak that anti just pins your hands above your head. You try and try to resist and fight back. Kicking, screaming, rolling out from under him, but his weight prevents you from doing anything.

You are just crying now, vision getting blurry, and you cough. Anti leans down and brings his face close to yours. You can't see what he looks like. Whether he is angry or not, but you can tell he is trying to look at you in the eyes. You just can't look back.

Your breaths are shaky and heavy and tears stream down your face.

Then, you pass out unconscious.

You wake up on the floor in the same position you fainted in. But now Anti is standing above you with a hard look on his face. You feel nauseous again, cough, then vomit on the floor next to you.

You're breathing heavily, and violently shivering, even though you're sticky from sweat.

You look up at Anti, helpless. You're pathetic. You made yourself look and sound like a fool. How is he going to trust you?

"That's it..." He says. "You're coming with me to the Other World."

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