Chapter seven

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A/N: Just wanna let you all know that if ever I have any grammatical or any mistakes, I'm sorry. I'm just too lazy to check. :P

Stella has been teasing me about Zac. And it's getting annoying.

"Would you mind if you'll shut up your mouth?" I glare at her but she just continued laughing anyways. "By the way, what I'm saying is that Zac's the perfect guy for you." She smirks and I grab a pillow from the sofa and I throw it at her.

"Shut up."

After having a so-called pillow fight with Stella, I finally admit that I lost and that my lil sister won't stop teasing me about Zac.

I went to my bedroom and throw myself in the bed. I'm very tired. One of the main reasons....seeing your exes. Most of all, your sister teasing you with one of them.

I lie down in my bed while staring at the ceiling. Daydreaming. Until my phone starts to vibrate.

I look at it and it's a text message from Zac. How the hell did he know my phone number?

From Zac:

I know this might sound weird but....if you don't mind. Are you available on Saturday? By the way, Ashley gave me your number.

Why is he asking me out?

To Zac:


From Zac:

Okay then....Venice at 6 o'clock in the evening. You don't have to wear fashionable clothes. :) See ya!!

To Zac:

Okay then. See you handsome.

Handsome? Really? Did I just called him handsome?

From Zac:

Did you just called me handsome?

To Zac:


From Zac:

Okay. Bye and good afternoon. :D

He always put smileys when texts. He never changed. He's still the Zac that I used to know in 2006.

To Zac:

Okay. Bye.

I don't know whether this will go well.

I decided to take a nap. I curled up into a pretzel until I finally got to sleep.



"Vanessa!!" I open my eyes and see Stella carrying a pillow in front of me. "What's the pillow for?" I ask her. "I was about to hit you if you didn't wake up."

I roll my eyes. "Well then...too bad I'm already awake." I let my tongue out and then Stella hit me with the pillow.

"I have some news for you." She turns around and looks at me with an eyebrow raised. "Zac asked me out." Her jaw opened and she became frozen. "Are you serious?"

"Yes I'm serious." I replied and she started jumping in front of me. I didn't bother to stop her because I know she would react this way. But not until when I had enough. "Okay Stell. You may go now." I told her and she did so. She calmly sits down beside me. "Did you say yes?" She asks. "Of course I did." I smile at her.

"Not to sound weird. I just wanted to say that you should take this opportunity seriously because for me....Zac's a great guy and I've been waiting for all these years for you guys to reunite. I think...not only me but also the fans." She smiles before leaving my room. I can't believe Stella just said that.

I lay back and stared at the ceiling once again. I'm asking myself whether I should get back with Zac. I do agree with Stella. He is a great guy. But couples these days barely reunite.

"Ness!! Dinner's ready!!" I heard Stella calling my name. I stand up and walk towards the dining room. Stella's just starting to prepare the food. "Good thing you prepared our dinner." I say and she didn't respond.

"Was there any call while I was asleep?" I ask her as she sits down from across the table. "An agency called. They said that they would love to manage you." She replies as she takes a bite from her food. I stare at her food before looking at her. "What agency?" I ask and she looks at me in the eye, frozen.

"It's Zac's agency." She replies and I became speechless.

"Would you say yes?" She asks while raising an eyebrow. "I don't know. I at least need some time to think." I stand up and walk towards the living room. "You at least need to eat your food." Stella calls me and I turn around, looks at her. "I'll eat it later. I'm not hungry at the moment." I reply and she nods.

I sat down on the couch as I grab the remote and turn the TV on.

What a wonderful news.

Former teen pop star, Vanessa Hudgens was seen chatting with her ex and former co-star, Zac Efron!

I immediately turn the TV off. I don't want to hear more from the news. Stella suddenly came and looks at me in the eye. "I told you to eat your food first." She smirks before walking away.

I got up and followed her.

"Thanks for the chicken." I smile at her and she smiles back. "No problem. I know you would love those." She points at the chicken.

Sorry if ever I made you hungry.

A/N: Hi pips! Hope you guys enjoyed this one and have a blessed Saturday!! :)

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