Chapter 2: An Angel Named Ivan?

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Hiya! So I broke my fuckin phone and had to get a new one (:

anyways enjoy


Alfred has always been bi, from the day he started middle school he knew he was attracted to both genders. But he never thought he would be this attracted to a guy.

The guy was slim, a bit shorter than Alfred, soft-looking hair and unique colored eyes. He was smokin'! He looked good in those jeans, that fitting t-shirt, and those combat boots.

Alfred saw his mom walking across the lawn with a plate of baked cookies that she, hopefully, didn't bake herself, he never ran out of his room as fast as he did to get out there to meet the family.

He made it to his mom's side just in time for his brother and dad to join them. His mom happily greeted them which was returned in a thick-accented voice.

"I'm Amelia," his mom started with a polite smile, "this is my son Alfred and my stepson Matthew, and my husband, James."

Alfred tried to make his smile as charming as he could as his mom finished introducing the family. The woman smiled and shook hands with Amelia.

"I am Anya," she said, her voice was soft and smooth even with the accent, "my husband, Viktor, and my two daughters and son, Katyusha, Natalia and Ivan."

Ivan. Jeez, that name was like candy on Alfred's corny.

Ivan smiled, it almost melted Alfred's heart, and when he spoke he could have died there. He was so gay right now.

His mom then proceeded to invite the family for dinner, to welcome them to the neighborhood. They had agreed to meet them at their home at 8 pm. Alfred almost started vibrating with excitement when they headed back home.

"Mattie! Dude," he grabbed the blonde by his shoulders once they went back upstairs, "that Ivan guy is totally hot!"

"Yeah, and out of your league."

"That's cold, man." He huffed, sitting on his bed, "and he's coming over for dinner, God I hope mom doesn't cook." Alfred groaned softly.

"Mom isn't that bad," the Canadian brother rolled his eyes, sitting on Alfreds bed.

That night Alfred was glad his their dad had made dinner instead and the Russian family brought over some of their own food. Matthew sat next to the eldest sister Katyusha while Alfred sat between Ivan and the youngest sister. Ivan smelt so nice, vanilla and coconut? Mm...

"Do you go to the high school?" Alfred nearly jumped when Ivan spoke.

"What? Oh!" He smiled sheepishly, "yeah, me and my bro. A-are you gonna be going there too?"

Ivan nodded, smiling, "mhm. Maybe you could show me around?" He asked, rolling his 'r's. Alfred couldn't do anything else bit agree.

"Yeah, totally!" He said a little too happily, "I wouldn't m-mind at all!" He blushed when Ivan giggled softly and thanked him, continuing to eat, was he being too obvious? "Uh, Mattie can you come here?" He asked before he got up and practically dragged the Canadian out of the room.

"What?" Matthew sighed, fixing his shirt only for it to he ruined again since Alfred grabbed it.

"Am I being too obvious?"

Matthew stared at him blankly, "no. Not at all." He stated dryly, making Alfred whined. The Canadian rolled his eyes, "yes you're being obvious, Alfie."

"I don't want him to know I like him yet! That'll be so weird cause we just met!" He groaned, "I want to at least take him out to lunch or something!"

"With what money?"

"I'll ask dad- that's not the point!"

"Look," Matthew glared at his stepbrother, "just calm down, don't act weird or too hyper or Ivan will definitely not like you back."

"Thanks for the words of confidence," Alfred growled and went back to the dining room, apologizing as he took his seat again. He tried acting smooth, gentle like, cool, it must be working if Ivan was snickering like that right? Right. He looked at Matthew, the blonde just sighed and gave a thumbs up making his confidence boost.

By the end of dinner, the Russian family thanked the others for dinner and hoped to do it again sometime. Ivan smiled and shook hands with Alfred's parents and his brother, then Alfred himself, "I look forward to seeing you at school." He said with a slight purr. Alfred felt his hand twitch and nodded.

"Y-Yeah! Me too!" He chirped, trying not to let his hand linger longer than it should, "see you then."

The rest of the night Alfred had some 'me-time' as he called it and then passed out. Looking forward to the school day for once. He knew he was going to wake up early, be on time for homeroom and be there to greet the Russian beauty and show him around!

But...guess faith wasn't on his side for this one.

He nearly screeched when he saw he woke up at 7:45. Homeroom starts at 8:00. Never in his life had he thrown the blanket onto the floor, got dressed and drenched himself in cologne as fast as he did, running out the door cursing out loud when he realized Matthew left without waking him up.

Alfred wasn't a runner, sure, he was in sports and loved football but he was not a big fan of the running. He just hoped he wouldn't run into Ivan because he would be all sweaty and gross.

When he made it to homeroom, it was 8:58. He was panting and wheezing out an apology to the teacher with a sheepish smile, "nevermind that, Alfred. Just take your seat, we have a new student and I was about to introduce him."

Alfred froze, turning his gaze to behind the teacher to see a familiar angelic face smiling at his sweaty and flushed face.

"Hi, Alfred." Ivan chirped, waving. Alfred cleared his throat and gave a sheepish smile, greeting him before he quickly took his seat.

The teacher introduced Ivan, the Russian gave a small friendly smile throughout it all. When he was told to take a seat the only open one was next to Alfred, faith is on his side finally! Ivan was so pretty, pretty soft hair, a pretty face, pretty eyes, pretty lips, pretty voice. Alfred had to stop staring before he noticed, now! But, maybe a bit longer...

Too long! Too long! Ivan was looking at him! Quick, say something!

"Uh, hi, I'm Alfred!" He said panickily, realizing his mistake he froze, smile faltering a bit. Great, he made himself look like an idiot! He was prepared to be laughed at.

Then there was a giggle, Alfred opened his eyes and looked at Ivan, the Russian was giggling. Not at him, but...okay, maybe at him, but it wasn't bad, "you're funny." He smiled, Alfred almost cried, how could such an angel be real?!

Alfred covered his face, trying to focus on his unfinished homework, this was gonna be a problem...


Hope u guys liked it

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