"I figured that you should see the horses first. This is only one of the three grand stables of the Wings of Freedom Horse Ranch, but the horses in here were your relative's personal favorites. That is, you can come if you want to..."

 You agreed and Hanji grinned like the cheshire cat before throwing open the giant doors. Holy heck, you made a mental note to NOT get on Hanji's bad side. Then with a loud vioce, Hanji addressed the horses.


As if they understood human speech, all the horses stuck their heads out from their designated stalls. Most of them whinnied, and some snorted. But oddly enough, a "Tch!" caught your attention. 

Glancing over to the stall nearest to the door, you met the rather cold gaze of a rather small stallion. You almost thought he was a colt, but there was this aura of seriousness about him which made you think otherwise. He had silvery eyes, a steel grey coat, and ebony hair. The golden nameplate above the stall read "Heicho". It seemed to shine just as bright as his black hooves. The two of you were engaged in a staring contest of sorts.

"Ah, I see you've met Shorty!" Hanji screeched. Both you and Heicho recoiled from the sudden jumpscare. But upon hearing the word 'shorty'. Heicho head butted Hanji.


Hanji would have hit the floor had you not been there to catch the body. Oh dang. Hanji was out cold. There goes your tour guide.

You were about to dial an ambulance when a stable hand walked in.

"Oh, you must be (Mr./Miss) (L/n). It's nice to meet you. I am Moblit Berner."
He took one look at Hanji and sighed. "Oh dear. It seems Heicho head butted Hanji again." "Again?" You questioned. "Yes. He hates the petname Hanji calls him. This is the third time this week." Moblit hoisted the body up.
"Shouldn't we take Hanji to a hospital?"
"Hanji will be fine. We have an infimary on the ranch grounds." Then Moblit left.

You can't help but feel a bit edgy with this new found information. What ever happens around here for there to be an infimary?! "Tch."
Head butting horses apparently. Oh well. You went through a lot of trouble to get here, so there's no way you'll back down now over something petty.

You decided to bond with the horses for a while. Heicho looked like he wanted alone time, so you went to the next stall over.

The horse in this stall was significantly taller, though was much younger than Heicho. Much more friendly too. He gently nudged your face until you stroked him.

This stallion was called "Freckled Jesus". You can see why due to his peaceful and friendly nature, and the brown spots that littered his ivory, white coat. He didn't seem to mind when you started to braid some strands of his dark brown mane. After you finished the braid, you gave Freckled Jesus one last hug and it was off to the next stall.

There was a mare in this one. She had a ginger colored coat, a reddish-brown mane, and white socks on each leg. She neighed and eagerly sniffed you all over. She seemed to be very interested in the unfinished snack that was inside your pocket.

Her nameplate read, "Potato". You mentally applauded the creativity behind that. You didn't know if your snack was horse-friendly, but Potato looked so crestfallen when you stepped away. Cursing your pity, you reluctantly fed Potato- who perked right up. She proceeded to do a happy dance with her hooves upon finishing the last of your snacky-snack and you chuckled.

The next horse was a young stallion named "Blond Coconut". He had a sandy blonde mane and a milky white coat. He curiously gazed at your form with ocean-blue eyes, and was extremely cautious. With some coaxing though, you were able to convince Blond Coconut that you meant no harm. You cuddled with him some before visiting the next stall.

This mare looked a lot like Heicho. Only she was taller, her mane was longer, her coat was lighter in color, and she was rather suspicious. Her name was "Three Bamboo Hats".

What. The. Actual. Heck?
You decided then that this name was stupidly long, so you mind-dubbed her T.B.H.

She stayed back, out of reach. Blond Coconut made noises in the back of his throat to coax her forward. Eventually, T.B.H. reached her neck forward and sniffed your outstretched hand. Then she snorted and looked away. Okay then.

The next stall had nothing but hay... And then it shifted to reveal a one-eyed colt with a blueish mane. This was Earl Grey. He took his time exiting his 'fort', holding his head up high and taking elegant steps (at least trying to). When Earl Grey reached you, he bowed his head and licked your hand. Awww what a gentleman! So cute!
Suddenly, Earl Grey lowered his ears and absconded back into the hay pile. Whoops~ you said that out loud didn't you? Oh well.

You shivered when you came face to face with Crow. He was a red-eyed stallion with a pitch black coat. It seemed that upsetting Earl Grey set him off as well. It was as if he were staring into you soul... And drooling a bit. You'd rather not have your hand (and soul)  get eaten, so you moved on to the next stall.

This stallion was Snufflelofagus. He was the tallest horse you encountered so far. He had a shaggy, dirty blond coat, and a similar colored mane (only more greyish). Lets just say, you had never been sniffed so long by a horse. When he finally finished, he grunted and lifted his head while he grinned. That was the wierdest thing you've ever experienced.

The last horse way in the back was secluded from the others. Instead of a golden nameplate, there was a blackboard nailed to the wall. In the most sloppiest chicken scratch, you made out the words: "Titan Brat". 

When you attempted to look inside the stall, you were head butted by a brown stallion. Luckily, you weren't knocked unconscious, but that still hurt!

Glancing up, you noticed that there was a muzzle on his snout. You also realized that there was another chicken scratched sign on the door:

"Caution: He bites!"

Titan brat angrily stomped and kicked at the door. He shook his head wildly and even bashed it against the wall. You were almost convinced that this was a mad (as in mentally crazy) horse. But then he ceased his tantrum and you saw hurt in those emerald eyes.

The poor thing.
You cautiously approached Titan Brat's stall. Very slowly as not to startle him. But he looked dazed and totally out if it.

So you gently cupped his cheek. Titan Brat snapped back to reality, but you shooshed him and whispered reassuring words.
Eventually, he calmed down.

You kept on doing that as you brought out your lockpick tools, and unlocked the muzzle. Then you pried it over and off his head as gently as you could.

Once the mouthpiece was out, Titan Brat bit the heck out of your hand. You yelped and recoiled, cradling the bloody appendage.

The other horses neighed fiercely and Titan Brat retreated into the darkness of his stall in shame.
That was your fault... You were moving too slow.

How long have they left that darn thing on his muzzle? It looked like Titan Brat could only open his mouth just a little; to feed and drink, but not enough to open wide. All horses could bite. Why is it all the others were treated fairly but not this one?

You were going to get to the bottom of this.

A/n: Hope you dear readers enjoyed it~

When I'm not writing, I've been participating in the Hiveswap Comics contest. This is the last week, and I don't know if I'll win... I know its last minute, but if any of you dear readers have a Tumblr, or visit Tumblr, can you please heart my works and share them (if possible)? My profile there is forbiddenscribe.

You don't have to, but that will make an epic belated birthday present~


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