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"what are you reading?" asked odelia, looking down at alaska and the piece of paper

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"what are you reading?" asked odelia, looking down at alaska and the piece of paper.
alaska worried and felt as if he'd heart went to her throat.
she tried to act as natural as possible.
"oh nothing. just stupid bell schedule" she said, awkwardly laughing.
odelia looked at her strangely and annoyingly, saying "okaaaay" before walking over to her bed and grabbing her diary off the floor.
"i like that shirt on you" complimented alaska. after reading what she said about starving herself, she genuinely felt bad and wanted to say a small gesture. even if she can be rude. but now alaska knows it's all rachels fault.
odelia looked surprised and looked at her with a straight face, yet she felt happy.
"thanks" she simply said and went to sleep.
alaska read the rest of the page and left her in astonishment and dismay.
she was surprised at how smart odelia actually was ( many people think her parents pay for her to stay, rather than using her intelligence), how big of an impact rachel has on her, and how much she actually knew about the situation.
what she didn't understand was why she didn't try to do anything to stop it.
she slipped the paper in her bag, knowing she was going to show it to the boys the following day.


alaska woke up at exactly 8 and got ready for her first day. along with odelia and rachel, but for them it was probably day 73837.
alaska exited the room before them, knowing they were going to take longer in getting ready, and they probably would not want to walk with her anyways.
she entered the cafeteria, eager for food, but also to tell the boys of her discovery.
she grabbed a bagel and orange juice, and made her way to the table where she saw the two brunette boys sitting.
"you guys aren't going to believe what i figured out!" she said with excitement and eagerness.
the two boys watched her take out the same slip of paper from last night.
"ill just let you two read it for yourself. this slipped out of odelia fremonts diary last night."
the boys began reading it.
their mouths dropped in awe and their eyes roamed the paper, what looked more than once.
everyone in the cafeteria looked like damsels in distress. guess that's what advanced homework for an elite school does to you. alaska rolled her eyes at the thought and focused her attention back on the boys.
"this information definitely gives away the old mans plan about talking over the world. and those two definitely know about it more than we do. alaska, you have to get that diary." said zachary.
"zachary, i know we're all eager for this and getting information, but i can't do that. you see how insecure and messed up she is. what if we just try to become friends with odelia, see what she has to offer."
isaac watched the way alaska spoke with such words, yet teen rebellion. he couldn't help but admit he liked it. that's when he spoke "she's right, zachy boy, what if we just try to gain her trust. she does look pretty intelligent from her writing, so she doesn't seem half as dumb as people say she is. hell, she's probably perfect for you, buddy."
zachary glared at isaac and declined his offer.
"no, but seriously, we need to figure all of this out-" alaska said before she was cut off.
one of isaacs lacrosse buddies, evan luther, cut her off by giving isaac a "bro shake" and sitting down.
"well, hey, what's your name?" he asked, directly to alaska.
"alaska" she said with no interest. she knew what he was doing by the tone of his voice.
zachary kept quiet since he didn't like any of isaacs lacrosse friends, and they didn't like him.
"you got a pretty face. i can't even imagine how pretty the rest of you may be" evan said with confidence.
by now, isaac was clenching his fists under the table. he liked evan, he was a good friend. but not when he acted like this, especially with a girl who his feelings for are all over the place.
he could tell alaska was quite uncomfortable, and ignored him.
"hey, bro, just chill out." he said to evan.
"come on bro, i was just-"
"dude. just go." isaac said, casusing alaska to get those good ol' butterflies again.
"whatever" evan said and got up. he flashed alaska one more smile before leaving the cafeteria.
alaska wondered how a guy like him was able to get into an elite school. with his attitude and maturity, he'd be in a detention hall. but hey, at first she thought isaac was dumb for the way he acted, but he actually has a very mature side and smart mind in the depths of him. so evan might surprise her.
alaska smiled at isaac.
"thank you. that was touch and go there for a while" alaska thanked isaac
"anytime, lass" (a-lass-kuh)
zachary, who was so done with the flirting, said "get a room" making isaac hit him in the back of the head.
the two boys laughed and alaska just rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
"i need another girl in this group. which is why, i should talk to odelia."
the bell rang, signaling the start of first period.
advanced literature for 16 year olds with mrs. squalor. oh no, forgot about her.
"we also have to see what squalor has to do with this situation. forgot about her." said isaac.
"yeah. and i'll talk to odelia" alaska said confidently.
"no! for all we know she could just turn ya into mr harris and we'll be dead as romeo and juliet." zachary stated.
"no, zachary. can't you see that what she wrote is pretty much a call for help. if we're nice to her, and genuinely befriend her, she'll help us. because we want to genuinely stop this insane plan of harris' soooo..."
alaska said, sticking the diary page in her bag again and walked into the literature classroom, with the two boys following behind.
"we'll discuss this at lunch" said zachary, before they settled into a seat and waited for lunch to arrive.

peyton meyer as evan luther

K I'm really hyped for this book but I feel like no one likes it y e e t

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K I'm really hyped for this book but I feel like no one likes it y e e t

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