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by now it was almost half past noon and everyone would be on break for lunch by now.
the girls that alaska roomed with had been gone since the moment she stated that "we all can't get what we want."
she decided she would go out and get lunch. try to at least make herself someone in a place like this. show her intelligence or at least socialize instead of isolating herself for the rest of eternity.
she put on her uniform & walked out to where everyone was going, which she assumed was the cafeteria.
she opened the large wooden doors to come face to face with many unfamiliar faces.
she just stood there, looking, analyzing.
"oh! alaska! over here!"
her head snapped to the left to see where her name was coming from. it was none other than zachary tate.
she sighed with relief and walked over to the brown eyed boy.
she sat down, face front of him. his lunch in front of him, while his papers and books were scattered over the table.
"how's your first day going?" he asked politely.
"well my first day actually starts tomor-" she was cut off by an unfamiliar voice.
"whooo! zachy boy! they got my favorite food today!" screamed a tall boy with brown hair and beautiful green eyes. his voice seemed to be directed to zachary.
he ran over to the table where they were sat and sat next to zachary. he put his arm around him, while zachary just looked annoyed.
"this is my roommate and best friend-"
"isaac hart" the boy said, and held his hand out to alaska.
she hesitantly took it and smiled.
"this is alaska. she's new. i met her this morning." zachary said.
"well that's nice. sorry to intrude on your little date. well, not really. i hate everyone else here and have no where else to sit." isaac said.
alaska & zachary both rolled their eyes and continued to look at him as he played with the food on his plate. isaac got up to get a water.
"wow, I would never ex-"
"expect you guys to be friends? yeah, i think about that sometimes too" said zachary, cutting off alaska.
"you two are so different. i kinda like it tho." alaska admitted.
zachary was about to say something until the voice of two unbearable girls were heard.
"what do you know about those two girls?" alaska asked pointing at her new roommates form across the room.
"ah! rachel willis and odelia fremont! probably the two most biggest bitches you'll ever meet! they're like dumb and dumber, but are somehow here at an elite school. some people think i am dumb for the way i act, but trust me, i just know when to take school serious and when to just chill out. unlike my boy here." isaac explained, back from getting the water and putting his hand on Zachary's shoulder, causing him to flinch.
alaska viewed the two boys. thankful that she has them to be a little more than acquaintances, and perhaps friends.
"why are you curious, alaska?" isaac asked.
"they're my roommates." she sighed, looking at them.
"girlfriend, i'm sorry" isaac said, trying to lighten the mood with a laugh from zachary and alaska.


alaska walked back to her dorm, arms crossed around her chest, thinking about how annoyed she will mostly be when she walks into her dorm.
before she entered the room, she looked to her right and saw two teachers talking amongst themselves.
"you can't tell anyone about this. if you do, it is bad for the both of us." the male teacher said to the woman.
the woman just nodded and walked the opposite direction. alaska wondered what they were talking about, but decided to just let it be.
"ah! so apparently we can't get you to move out of here, so you're stuck with us. but we have a few rules." said the blonde girl, she assumed was rachel said after she entered the room, finally. she noticed a painting of herself near the door, and thought to herself "what the actual fuck."
alaska raised her eyebrow, signaling the girl to continue.
"no crossing over your territory." rachel said, drawing an imaginary line between her & odelia's beds, to alaskas.
"and, for you, no using the bathroom after 7 pm. We go to bed right at 7:15 every night. Also! no making a mess in here. i have ocd..." she continued trailing on, but alaska just pretended to listen.
"okay, got it?" rachel finished, and alaska just nodded as if she actually cared. she looked over at odelia who stayed quiet, and just agreed with everything rachel said. almost like she was her minion.
alaska walked over to her bag on her bed and pulled out her headphones.
"where are you going?" the two girls asked her.
"somewhere." alaska replied and walked out of the door, making sure to slam it a bit, so that stupid painting of rachel would tilt a bit, and knock her ocd off a little bit.
a small scream was heard, and she smirked to herself because she knew the painting fell.
she tuned herself out by plugging in her headphones and listening to "knee socks" by arctic monkeys.
she casually walked around the outside courtyard of the school when she saw the same teachers from earlier speaking to each other.
her curiosity grew larger, so she got closer to them. she hid behind a pillar and listened closely to their conversation.
"well what are we supposed to do?" asked the woman to the man.
"we can't let this get out. it already almost happened before. these kids can't figure anything out. we need their intelligence for this" the man said, causing alaska to be creeped out and even MORE curious.
"it just feels so wrong." the woman stated.
"what's up?" said a voice right by alaska's ear. she jumped and gasped at the sudden sound, but calmed down once she realized who had said that.
"don't ever do that again." she said while punching isaac 's shoulder. he just laughed and alaska asked "what are you doing out here anyway?"
"i could ask you the same question." he replied. "i have lacrosse practice. but coach is late, and i saw you, so i came over" he explained.
"okay. well, can you keep a secret?" alaska asked, genuinely.
"i'm your man" isaac replied with a wink.
"i feel like something weird is going on with those two teachers." she said, pointing at the two a couple feet away from where they were standing. "like they were talking about how they have to keep things quiet and they need our intelligence for something."
"mr.harris and mrs. squalor? let me see." isaac leaned forward a bit to try to get a better listening at the two adults. his eyes got big and turned to alaska to speak again.
"from what i hear, they are talking about how our intelligence and skills of our generation can take over the world if they really try hard in getting us there or something." isaac bit his nail and looked at the ground, trying to comprehend what he heard.
alaska was so confused. why would teachers be talking about that sort of thing? why is it so secretive?
"i knew this place gave me some weird energy. i just never knew what." admitted isaac.
"well obviously we need to figure this out. even if it's a joke, which i doubt, but they should not be talking about that. lord only knows what is going on."
yeah, it seems cliché if you think of it in a clichê way, but if you were in alaska and isaac's shoes at that moment, you'd be scared shitless and confused.
isaac stood there, looking down on alaska. she was focusing so hard, isaac couldn't help but think she looked kind of cute.
the sound of a whistle blew, knocking the both of their trance. they looked behind the pillar to see mr.harris & mrs.squalor gone. then they looked to the left and saw the lacrosse coach yelling at the boys to start.
"i-i gotta go. we'll talk about this later." isaac lightly yelled while running towards the field to begin his practice.
alaska watched the way his jersey with the words "Hart 30" and the school colors maroon & white, wrinkle with the wind. along with his hair, and couldn't help but smile at the thought that she has someone who will be there with her, to resolve this weird ass problem that they now got themselves involved in.
she walked back inside the school, heading for the library to see if zachary would be in there to get him caught up and get him to understand their new situation.
alaska sighed, walked inside and said "ive only been here for 6 hours and all of a sudden i have to play Sherlock Holmes."

OKAYYYY SO IM ACTUALLY HYPED FOR THIS BOOK. LIKE LEGIT. I love Malina & louis & lucas & Amybeth so much. and the thought of them all being friends in a book is gr8. Soon there will be more mystery, romance, and odelia will be involved with Zachary, alaska & isaac very soon and this friendship story will take off! thanks for reading & I can't wait for y'all to read the next chapter ❣️

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