Chapter 12- Truth or Dare

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I glance at Marinette who is now trailing us. Her eyes meet with mine and we both instantly look away. I small warmth erupts on my cheeks. Am I blushing? I reach up to touch my cheeks. Nino glances at me.

And then he winks at me. I glare at him.

"Finally! We have you guys been?" Alya shouts, hurrying down the stairs. How did she get in here? Now it's my turn to catch Nino blushing. He notices me looking at me. I casually wink and he groans.

"No worries! Now it's time to PARTY!" Alya then grabs Mari's arms to drag her upstairs.


My feet skim over the dozens of wide steps as Alya drags me away. I am still puzzled; did I just catch Adrien checking me out? Doubt it, but a girl can dream.

"Girl, what are you doing? Stand up!" Alya yanks me forward once I start to go weak in the legs. I get over it and stumble up the rest of the stairs. We arrive to his room. I notice a blue piano in the corner. I don't remember it being there the afternoon I had to be in his room for an akuma attack.

"Oh- I like the new piano!" I say to Adrien, silently congratulating myself for saying a complete sentence to Adrien.

"Have... have you been in my room before?" Adrien asks and I stop dead in my walking. I've only been in his room as Ladybug.

"I- uh- saw magazine your room in?" I cover my mistake up desperately, "Gah! I mean me see your room magazine! No... I saw your room in a magazine?"

I sigh at the end and Adrien gives me a questionable look. Nino steps over to a bare wall and points at it, grinning silly at Adrien. His eyes flicker mischievously to me for a split second, kinda like Alya does when she's planned something for me. This can't mean anything good.

"What- no Ladybug posters?" Nino grins maniacally. Alya kicks him in the leg for some reason, but Nino just winks at me from behind Alya. What? Adrien has posters of me? On his walls!?

I check to see Adrien. He's as red as my superhero suit! I feel my face go red to and look away. Oh my gosh. 

Alya budges in with Nino under her arm and in the armpit: "Ready for some games?"

Adrien nods eagerly, "Yeah, let's get some pajamas on, first." And then he hurries off into his bathroom. Nino follows him, probably following orders from Alya.

I go ahead and grab my bag of clothes to change into, when, all of a sudden, I feel hands on my shoulders.

"Gah!" I spiral around to find Alya.

"Ouch, girl!" She rubs her forehead, which I must of just flung my hand into.

"Oof- sorry!" I wince as she softly grabs my arm. "No, girl, it's alright. Are you okay?"

"Why... why wouldn't I be?" I ask. Alya gives me a face full of pity.

"Girl, I am so sorry for you! Finding out that Adrien has a crush on Ladybug! You'll... you'll figure something out..." Alya says. My heart stops.

"ADRIEN has a crush on M-... Ladybug?" I shout out in shock. I bit over my mistake. I hope Alya doesn't catch that I nearly said me instead of Ladybug.

Alya bites her bottom lip. "Yeah... I... I thought you put that together when Nino blurted out that he had posters of her. Girl, sometimes you are so oblivious..." She muttered the last part. The irony...

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