I'm still trying to catch my breath as I get lowered slowly back to the ground. As soon as my feet touch the ground, the wings shoot back into my body. Or the demon's body. Or whatever.

I breathe heavily, my hand over my stomach. "That... was... so... fucking... scary..." I gasp.

"Ha," Kaia giggles. "You say fucking so weird."

I just realized that she has an American accent. Wow. What was she doing in a British school, then?

"So," I stand up straight. "Niall has an Irish accent, you have an American accent, and I have a British accent."

"Yup," Niall laughs. This boy is always smiling, I swear.

"Maybe Harry's gonna have a Scottish accent," I chuckle.

"Yeah," he snorts.

"So where does Harry live, anyway?" Kaia taps her foot impatiently.

"Uhh..." Niall mumbles. "That's where we have some problems. The demon in Harry is strangely quiet, he wants Harry to have a normal life... so..."

"Harry doesn't know he's a demon?" I roll my eyes. "Great."

That'll make it harder to track him.

By the way, I whisper to my demon. What's your name? I've been calling you "the demon" this whole time.

Louis, I've lived inside you for seventeen years, and you don't know my damn name? The demon sighs. It's Aamon. Two A's.

Nice to finally know your name after seventeen years, I snort. Hi, Aamon.

"Do any of you guys know your demon's names?" I ask Kaia and Niall.

They go quiet, and their eyes glow red, a red that's undetectable to humans, a sign that they're having a conversation with their demons.

I'm not the only one, I laugh out loud.

"Malum," Kaia announces. "His name is Malum."

Our eyes both go to Niall, whose eyes are still red. Then his eyes fade back to their aquamarine blue. "Captas," Niall grins. "Cool name, right?"

"Okay, let's find Harry now," Kaia rolls her eyes and paces around in a circle.

"How?" I glare at her.

Kaia shrugs. "Malum says that if we find his scent, we can track him down..."

"Okay, so how the hell are we supposed to find his scent?" Niall sneers.

Kaia shrugs and then sits back down. "Who knows?"

"Nice help, Kaia," Niall snorts. "Good ideas."

Aamon, do you have better ideas than Kaia? I groan.

I think that I could track him down for you, Aamon thinks. I know his address.

Why didn't you tell me earlier? I gasp.

You didn't ask, Aamon snickers.

"Guys, Aamon knows Harry's address," I yell.

"Who's Aamon?" Niall raises his eyebrows, confused. This boy is so slow for a demon, oh my god.

I roll my eyes. "My demon."

"Oh my god!" Kaia yells. "What is it?"

He lives in England. His address is 1090 Spaniards Road, London.

"1090 Spaniards Road, London," I repeat.

Niall whips out a pen and paper and writes the address down. "Okay, let's go, then!"

As we're running to Harry's address, Kaia looks over at me. "I wonder if they realized that we ditched school."

"Who cares," I laugh. "They can't contact our parents because we have no parents."

"Oh yeah," Kaia giggles. "Great."

Niall's far behind us. "Wait, guys, Captas doesn't run as fast as you guys!"

I slow down a bit, and so does Kaia.

"Niall, you're too slow, man," I joke. "You're slowing us down, ya hypocrite."

"I'm so sorry," Niall hisses. "You're just too fast."

I chuckle and pick up speed.

I'm so concentrated on my running that I don't notice that I already passed Harry's house until Niall grabs my shoulder. "Louis, we're not trying to run all the way to Scotland, stop."

"Okay, sorry," I walk back to Harry's house and ring the doorbell.

A curly-haired boy opens the door, a pencil in his hand. 

"Who are you?"

Demons // l.t. ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora