Chapter 6~ Classmates.

Start from the beginning

I pulled out my katana easily cutting three of his tentacles off. Kaede was only able to cut off one. "Yikes!" He yelled quickly jumping away from us. "So rude! You two shouldn't go and try to assassinate someone who just greeted you!" He yelled at us.

"Sorry sir!" Kaede laughed. I just stood there glancing over to my right where a red butterfly was flying past me. My eyes narrowed slightly at this. Just then I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder. "Hey~ good morning Siera." I look back only to see Karma standing next to me.

He looked at me and smirked down at me. "I see you and Kaede went and surprised teach." He laughed looking over at Korosensei who was sweating slightly looking at us. 'Such a loser.' I thought sighing. "Oh yeah do you guys want some?" He asked holding out a bag of candy.

"HEY! THAT'S MINE!" Korosensei cried. Karma just smirked at him sticking his tongue out. I smiled slightly enjoying the reaction he gave. In time the classroom slowly started to fill. I sat at my seat next to Karma and watched as Nagisa smiled at me waving his hand.

I didn't do anything back as I looked away from him. 'That...isn't how you make a friend Siera.' I thought mentally cursing myself. "Alright class." Korosensei said smiling at everyone. "Let's begin!" And with that another day of learning and assassination began.

~time skip~

It was currently lunchtime and everyone was happily hanging out with their friends. I just sat by myself outside by a tree. 'Tadaomi-nii is out with Irina so I can't sit with them.' I thought closing my eyes. 'Maybe I'll just take a nap.' I thought.

As I'm starting to drift off something comes crashing down next to me. I quickly grabbed my katana getting ready to attack. "Hahaha! And he sticks the landing!" Turns out it was just Korosensei holding a bunch of bags. I just stood there silently watching him.

'He's so strange.' I thought sighing. "Hm?" He hummed looking over at me. "Ah! Hello Siera how is lunch going?" He asked happily. "Fine." I mumbled. "Have you eaten?" He asked. I shook my head no. "I forgot my lunch at home." I mumbled.

"I see well that's not good." He said reaching into one of his bags. "Care to eat lunch with me?" He asked holding out some food I recognized from America. "...Sure." I mumbled. He went and took a seat next to me handing me the food he got.

We both went and ate our lunch. I listened as he talked about his trip his face color changing each time with different emotions. 'He sure is funny.' I thought chewing on some chicken. "So why aren't you with any of the other students?" He asked curiously.

"Ah...well...I'm...not really good at making friends...or well...accepting anyone." I admitted. 'Doesn't matter. He'll die soon anyways.' I thought. "I see. Don't you want to make friends?" He asked curiously. "Of course I I really even deserve to have a friend?" I asked sadly.

'I can't believe I'm opening up to an octopus.' I thought eye twitching. "Of course you do. Everyone deserves to have a friend." He said causing me to look up at him. "I'm sure you'll be able to make many friends with your time here Siera." He said looking at me.

"..." I just stared at him before laughing to myself leaning up against the tree. "Yeah...whatever you say octopus." I laughed. "IT'S KOROSENSEI!" He yelled. I just smiled at him. 'Whatever.' I thought. Just then I remembered the one friend I did have...the only friend I ever wanted.

"You're so silly Siera

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"You're so silly Siera."

I sighed before standing up. "Well class will be starting soon. Thanks...for the talk." I mumbled. He just nods his head. "Anytime Siera." I walked off to the school building. I went and opened the door only to see everyone standing there smiling at me. "What's going on?" I mumbled looking at all of them.

"We heard you want to make some friends but aren't really good at it." A guy with black hair and gold eyes said smiling at me. "Huh?" I asked confused. "Ehe I may have been listening in on your conversation with Korosensei." Kaede said scratching the back of her head.

I just sighed. "I see." I mumbled. Just then a hand was held out in front of me. I looked to see the guy from earlier smiling at me. "Nice to meet you my name is Yūma Isogai." He said. I nod my head taking his hand. One by one they all introduced themselves to me.

They even told me stuff about them. Before they could continue Irina came back telling everyone to take a seat or else. I went and took my seat next to a smiling Karma. "So what do you think of your new friends?" He asked. I looked over at him before examining everyone else.

'Friends huh?' I thought closing my eyes and smiling to myself.

"I think...I'll like it here."

*To Be Continued*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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