Something New

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knock, knock, knock

You stood outside of your apartment impatiently, waiting for the door to open. Your heavy bag was swung over your right shoulder, and your arms were full of excessive amounts of papers and folders.

It had been a long and tiring day in the office, your co-workers seemingly incapable of doing anything without your help. You were irritable, to say the least and all you wanted to do was relax.

knock, knock, knock

Still no answer. You grumbled, cursing under your breath when your grip started to give way.

"Dinah! It's me!" You yelled out, hoping that you had somehow caught your girlfriend's attention. You listened for some movement behind the door, but it was obvious that no one was coming to let you in.

"I swear to God" You muttered, dropping everything you were holding to the ground. You rooted around in your bag for your house keys, letting out a loud sigh as you eventually entered your home.

You heaved your things inside and kicked the door closed behind you. As it shut, a familiar head peeped around the corner of the entryway.

"Baby, you're home! I missed you so much today" Dinah husked, walking slowly to where you stood. She snaked her arms around your waist and rested her head in the crook of your neck, kissing it lightly.

"Yeah, I have been for the past 15 minutes" You mumbled, rolling your eyes and shaking free of her touch, "You'd know that if you'd have let me in" You continued, pushing past her and making your way to the kitchen.

You grabbed a glass from the shelf and filled it up with water, turning to see Dinah leaning against the door frame. You knew that you shouldn't have been taking out your anger on her, but you were exhausted and you needed a break. You sipped on your drink, avoiding her gaze.

"I know that you're stressed baby, so I'll let that slide, but I couldn't let you in because I was busy..." Dinah whispered as she walked towards you.

Her tone had an air of seductiveness to it, although you weren't sure if that was what she was getting at. You simply scoffed in response, wondering why everything these days happened to be more important than you,

"Come on, I'll show you what I was doing" You set down your glass and took her outstretched hand, following her lead all the way upstairs until you stopped at the bathroom.

She winked at you before pressing down on the handle and bringing you inside, the room was hot and steamy. First you saw the flower petals, then you saw the candles, and lastly you saw the bath, filled to the brim with water.

You glanced at Dinah to find her already staring at you, as if awaiting your reaction. She had an innocent look in her eyes and her fingers were playing with the buttons of her shirt,

"I thought, y'know since you've been working so hard lately... I'd help you relax..." She said lowly, proceeding to strip herself of her clothing.

She kept your eye contact, inching her clothes off of her body at a teasingly slow pace. You then watched Dinah step into the bath and sink into the hot water, her naked body gleaming from the water droplets.

"Damn, How did I get so lucky?" You questioned yourself outloud, you could never get used to this sight and not to mention you were beyond turned on.

Dinah giggled at you knowingly, her fingertips dipping beneath the water before gesturing for you to get in beside her. You were quick to undress and climb in.

Dinah Jane Imagines/ One Shots  (lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now