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I took a sip from my cola and continued to scroll through my Instagram feed. Dinah had asked me to come along with her to visit the girls and bring some of her old stuff from her old house.

Currently, I was sitting on their white, cloud lookalike couch with Lauren, Ally and Mani next to me, scrolling on their own phone.

"Are you guys as bored as me?" I yawned and placed my phone on my lap as Dinah got out of the bathroom. She was in her usual mom jeans and a v neck white tee; looking hot as ever.

"Hell yeah." Mani agreed while checking out her black acrylic nails.

"Hey- do you want to try out the new selfie light we bought? It's sick!" Ally said and Lauren stood up, probably off to find that light she was talking about.

While Dinah sat next to me, playing with my fingers, Lauren got back with a light ring and placed it next to her coffee table.

"Come, let's take some selfies and try this baby out." Mani spoke, taking my hand away from Dinah's and putting up her phone to find the best lighting area.

I heard Dinah's sigh but couldn't turn my face to check because of their actions. They made me stand in like six different poses and I literally felt my face getting numb from all the pouting.

"Okay, now let's do the kiss kiss! You turn your head-" Lauren turned my head towards hers with her perfectly tanned hand and pouted while looking at me.

"-and stay still!" She clicked the button over and over again.

"I think that's enough, Lolo. The selfie light works great!" I exclaimed in hope that they would stop.

After some convincing, they went back to some room to place the tool back while I dropped myself on Dinah's lap. I leaned on to kiss her lips as she turned her face.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Nothing." Dinah said, unlocking her phone.

"Yeah, it wasn't nothing. What's wrong with you?"

"Why don't you go and help them instead?" She answered not even making eye contact with me. Now, it's all clear.

She was jealous.

Dina Jane Hansen was jealous. Wow.

"Are you jealous?" I giggled, poking her chin. She shrugged and continued to look at her phone.

"Why are you jealous, baby?"

"Because.... because every time we're at the 5H house, they steal you from me and do fun stuff together..." She spoke, her voice now sounding like a child's.

"Dinah... That's not true and you know that."

"But I get so upset whenever they do that. I know that you like selfies, video games and horror things while I'm sitting here like nothing!" She throws her phone beside her and leans back.

"Oh my god, Dinah! You're not nothing. If something, you're everything I need, okay? I have so much fun whenever I'm with you and I don't even care if we just watch a boring movie or sit on a couch for two hours like weirdos. I just love spending time with you. Don't ever think like that." I took her hand and licked it as she pulled out and made a disgusted face.

"I'm sorry, I acted like a six year old." She said, kissing my neck softly. I smiled at her while she placed her legs on top of mine.

"I love you, okay? And no matter what, I will always have fun with you. Now let's go home and make out." I stood up from the comfortable couch and went inside to say bye to the girls.

"You're a horny teenager," I heard Dinah yell behind my back.

Yeah, I totally was.

Dinah Jane Imagines/ One Shots  (lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now