Chapter 2: Fuel

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Keith's POV
We're all silent.
Astounded we made it out alive.
All of us, alive.

So we're trundling down the road, no idea where we're going.
As if on cue Shiro decides to speak out.

"Do we have any idea where we're going? Or where should we go to be safe?"
It's obvious no one though this far.
Myself included.

"What about our families?"
I'm surprised to hear Lance sounding so worried.
Shiro looks like what Lance just said broke his heart.
"I'm sorry." His voice is low and doesn't hide how worried he is. "We can't go back for them. There's no guarantee we'd all make it or I they're even still alive."
Still alive.
That truly impresses on me what's happening, what the risks are.

"Lance. I'm sorry we can't go back."
Lance, who had got to his feet before Shiro's words, sat back down, looking utterly lost and defeated.

"There's a chance they got out." This is the second time today I've heard Hunk speak. "Look, outside. There aren't any traffic jams. Maybe they all got out?"

"No, if they'd all got out there wouldn't be so many parked cars."
Pidge is right.

Now I can't help but wonder about my brother an my mum and my dad. Did they get out? Or do they not know yet? Are they already dead or being consumed by zombies?

No. No. No. No. No. No.
I'm not thinking about it. That's not going to help.
Just think, they're fine, I'm just not with them. I just have to assume that they're safe somewhere.
I hope.

"We need fuel."
Matt, who's been silent, pale and clutching the steering wheel up to this point, speaks out.

"We need to get out of the city first. We just need to assume we're ahead of the flood of cars that are bound to be coming through here soon."

Shiro. Once again the voice of wisdom.

His point's made me think; how come our school gave us an alert (then proceeded to abandon us, just like they're supposed to in a crisis)?

Maybe I'll never know.
But, for now at least, we're lucky.

As there aren't yet any cars clogging up the motorway we can speed and get out of the city quickly, which is of the utmost importance.

Matt earlier mentioned we needed fuel so we're now stopping to do just that, as well as getting food and water.
I say food but the best you'll get at a service station is snacks. If you're lucky.
Shiro and Hunk go on watch while Matt, as a student who'd been wanting to go into engineering, checked over the minivan.
Matt had, or still did, want to do Aerospace engineering but he still , fortunately, knew a good load about cars, which is lucky for us as if your car dies in, what can only be described as, A Zombie Apocalypse, your survival chances are definitely going to fall. Significantly.

Me and Pidge are to go into the shop whilst Lance fills up the minivan and all the bottles, that seem to collect on the floor of a minivan, up with fuel

A bell chimes as we enter. The lights are off and, judging by the temperature around them, so are the refrigerators.

I head towards the self-service counters to grab plastic bags to put everything in.
As I reach the first of the two self-service counters, I hear a noise to my right, where the manned counters are.
I'm not quite sure if my reactions right but a grab the most weapons like object that's around me, which just so happens to be a roll of dinosaur covered wrapping paper.
I can now approach the potentially threatening noise fully armed.

As I'm moving, relatively, stealthily towards the counter I glance up and see the Tobacco sign.
It's in that moment something launched itself at me.
I guess a tell, to let Pidge know there's a something in here with us.
In holding it back with the wrapping paper roll, bracing it do it's too far to make contact.
Using my left leg I kick it back, against the counter it just vaulted.
It comes at me again and I hit it will the wrapping paper roll, slightly unbalancing it. I use this time to push it into a shelf, which I pull down on it, effectively trapping it under an avalanche of magazines.

This is of cou a the pint Pidge gets to me.
The whole thing felt longer than it actually was, as Pidge who's panting, having sprinted down to me, wouldn't have taken long to run, or even walk, to get down to me in this tiny service station.

"What happened?"
I can't exactly blame Pidge for asking.
"I trapped it."
"No shit Sherlock."
I laugh. Nothing like a possibly deathly encounter to induce hysteria.

I look down at it and it's what I could only ever have described as a zombie. Face grey and ashen, probably due to the lighting. A wound, of some sort, in the lower quadricep, faintly oozing.
The wound could have been a bite, which would tally in with the stereotype of a zombie.

"We need to grab the stuff. We should probably get going; I've no idea how this one got infected but there's probably one or more of these biters around, somewhere."
Pidge nods and we turn back to the task with a bit more urgency.
I grab a bottle of water, as I've only just realised how thirsty I am.

Matt hurries in.
"I heard a crash, are you both okay?"

Pidge replies to him as I'm busy gulping down water.
"There was a zombie but Keith trapped it."
Matt looks startled but nods and helps us gather more stuff.
He's evidently one for leaving as quick as possible.
I can't blame him, not with that 'employee' groping around and moaning under the shelf.
I fill two plastic bags entirely with water as there are six of us and need I say more?
I fill another with the sandwiches that are no longer particularly chilled, rather lukewarm. This of course means the power was only lost relatively recently.
I fill up another bag with chocolate, crisps and sweets.
I deposit these three bags by the door where Pidge and Matt have also dumped their bags.

I head back to the counter, vault it in the opposite direction the zombie did and slide open one of the cabinets.
I call out to Pidge.
"Hey, d'you reckon I should grab to some alcohol in case we need to make a fire or something?"
"Nah, leave the alcohol but grab a few lighters and boxes of matches."
I crouch down to grab some of said fire starters and as I'm hidden behind the counter, use this as an opportunity to grab time I packets of cigarettes.
I don't know why I picked them up.
I don't smoke.
But the world's gine to shit and I don't know what'll happen so you never know?
Repulsed at myself for grabbing cigarettes but also unable to put them back I stand up.
I wave a couple of green, red and blue lighters at her, to which she gives a thumbs up.

I go to the door and grab four of the bags.
Between us, it only takes a single trip to bring the snack file bags to the minivan.
The depressing fact is that I know all the food and water will last maybe two nights, three at most.

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