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A U T H O R '  S  L E T T E R 

I am actually quite sad that this book has ended. I know the chapters were short and this is a bunch of chapters that sound like a girl writing in her journal or something but within the short amount of time it took me to complete this book, i actually got emotionally connected to the characters. I don't know what was maybe it was because when i started this story and I was posting chapters i didn't think anyone was going to read it, so i was writing on a daily basis and just posting and posting and posting and magically, one day people started commenting on this book and started calling it beautiful and that made me so happy. 

I just want to thank everyone who went on Sawyer's journey with me and i know the ending was kind of sad but i knew that this was going to happen as soon as I got to chapter 2.

Thanks for all the support and thank you for reading this book because it means a lot to me! <3

White Teeth TeensDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora