Notice (important) + Special!

Comenzar desde el principio

Cake-Chan: H-Hello? Is this mic working?

Audience: Hello Cake-Chan!

Cake-Chan: Great! Hallo, my sweetcakes~! Welcome to the Ultra Secret Super Duper Special Cake Meeting! Today, we have the WHOLE CAST of... drum roll please!

*Hired unnamed drummer gives a drumroll off stage*

Cake-Chan: DORM S! Let's do some introductions! Let's start in the front row closest to me! Say your name, something about yourself, and your favorite thing in the WHOLE UNIVERSE!

Lucy: Alright! Hey guys! How's it going? My name is Lucy Heartfilia and I-

Cake-Chan: You know what, this is taking too long. Let's make this quick! In the front row, we have Lucy, Levy, Erza, Juvia, Wendy, Cana, Aries, and Lisanna! *Girls give small gesture greetings as they're called*

Cake-Chan: Right behind them are Yukino, Minerva, Kagura, Millianna, Ultear, and Meredy! *girls give a silent greeting*

Cake-Chan: And in the third row, we have Natsu, Gray, Jellal, Laxus, Sting, Rogue, Gajeel, Loke, Romeo, Lyon, Cobra, Midnight, and Zeref! Aka, the love interests plus Romeo! *guys send out signature grins and smirks and such*

Cake-Chan: And finally, in the top row, we have everyone else! Including, Mirajane, Elfman, Evergreen, Hibiki, Jenny, Jura, Orga, Rufus, and THE BEST TEACHER OF THE SERIES: Gildarts! *Everyone greets like others*

Cake-Chan: Whew! I almost forgot! Sitting in their chairs in front of the front row are the very important animals of the Dorm S! Happy, Carla, Pantherlily, Lector, Froche, Cuby, and Ginger!

Levy: Wow. This is a big cast.

Lucy: Yeah. Now that we have basically everyone gathered in one room all at once.

Erza: Cake-chan, why exactly are we gathered here today?

Kagura: I too would like to know that.

Cake-Chan: W-Well... I figured that this would make reader-chan happy... if we had a special meeting.

Wendy: That's so thoughtful of you, Cake-chan.

Cake-Chan: Hehe. Thanks. Anyway! Let's get down to business! Let's start this off with thoughts on Season 1 and 2!

Gray: Oh! So this if gonna be a serious meeting!

Ultear: Shut up, Gray!

Hibiki: You made me a douche... now the lady readers will never love me...

Happy: I barely showed up...

Lisanna: Why does the comment section hate me so much? And why do they call me Lasagna?

Yukino: I'm just glad I'm strong in this book

*Just like that, everyone began talking at once. Bad comments, complaints, good comments, compliments...*

Cake-chan: Alright! Calm down, everyone! Let's go one by one on certain events that took place. First, the fact that Lucy, the troublemakers, and Erza knew each other before since childhood. When Lucy first arrived in New School, New Boys, were you boys aware at the time?

Dorm S! ~Lucy Harem~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora