Memories Must Be Cherished!

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It was a peaceful day at the park for three children. Lucy, Jellal, and Erza. The three were playing ball.

" Ittai! Blueberry! Don't peg it at me!" Erza shouted.

" Don't get hit in the face then, Scarlet!" Jellal shouted back. Lucy was sweatdropping.

" Please stop fighting! You are drawing attention!" Lucy pleaded. She noticed parents keeping their children away from the three. Right now, Jellal and Erza were fighting. Verbally and physically. They kicked the ball and it rolled over to a tree. Lucy went to go get it. When she found it, she saw a kid her age sitting against the tree. He was throwing it up in the air and catching it with one hand as he looked around. Laxus Dreyar.

" Excuse me. Can I have the bouncy ball back, please?" Lucy asked politely. Laxus looked around. He looked down.

" Sure," He handed the ball to Lucy and she smiled. She ran over to her friends and they began the game again. Laxus just stared at them playing. He didn't have any friends. The ball went past him to the other side of the ditch. Lucy ran to get it as the other two were fighting on whose fault it was. She fell into the ditch.

" Ittai!" She screamed. Laxus ran over to her.

" Are you okay?" Laxus asked. He pulled her out of the ditch. She nodded.

" Just a scratch. Thank you," Lucy smiled. To him, her smile brightened the world.

" Do you need help getting the ball?" Laxus asked. She nodded. He jumped over the ditch and grabbed the ball. Laxus jumped over the ditch again and handed Lucy the ball.

" Arigato! My name is Lucy. Lucy Heartfilia. What's your name?" Lucy asked.

" Laxus Dreyar," Was all he said.

" Nice to meet you, Laxus!" Lucy smiled wider. Jellal and Erza ran over to the two blondes.

" Come on, Lucy," Jellal said. He was eyeing suspiciously of Laxus.

" Who is your friend, Lucy?" Erza asked.

" This is Laxus Dreyar! Laxus, these are my friends! Erza Scarlet and Jellal Fernandez! But we call him Blueberry!" Lucy introduced.

" Nice to meet you, Laxus!" Erza said.

" Yeah. Come on, Lucy. Let's go," Jellal said.

" Do you want to come with us? We are getting ice cream," Lucy invited.

" Why not?" Laxus said.

" Yay! You are officially my new best friend!" Lucy declared. She spat on his shoes.

" Eto...." Laxus looked confused.

" That is what Lucy does. She is weird. Don't think about it too much," Erza laughed.

" I am right here, Erza!" Lucy pouted. The two laughed while Laxus was confused and Lucy being mad.

" Let's just go..." Lucy said. Lucy and Laxus were behind Erza and Jellal. That! Is how Laxus and Lucy met!


Lucy POV

I finished telling how Laxus and I met. We finally reached the dorm. We walked in. Time check: 7:00 pm.

" Okay! Everyone! Gather up!" I ordered. They were silent, but they did as they were told. I handed them the journal.

" What is this?" Gajeel asked.

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