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You continued your days as usual, going to school and back home together with Taeyang, eating lunch with Hwiyoung and Chani, receiving treats from Rowoon. Inseong and Zuho somehow even managed to get your contact.

You'd like to text them sometimes, right after finishing your homework at night. Most of their text were really supportive and sweet at the same time, just like older brothers but maybe more.

Thursday suddenly went by quickly. You got back to your house with Taeyang and saw your parents went home early today. You quickly went inside and sat in the living room with your mom.

"I see someone have a boyfriend...." Your mom poked you on your cheek playfully. "What? Daddy's little girl had a boyfriend??" Your father suddenly went to sit in the living room as well along with you and your mother.

"No dad, he was my friend's older brother. I used to go home together with the three of them." You said. "Really? You're going to be much safer that way, maybe we should thank them later on...." Your mother said.

"Do they live near honey?" Your dad asked. "Not really dad, but it's not that far either. Anyway, why are the two of suddenly went home early today?" You asked.

"So (y/n)---

"We're going back to hometown! YEAY!!" Your mom suddenly clapped happily, making you replied back with a confused look. "What? Why? And when?" You asked them.

"Your uncle will be married this saturday. So we, have to come." Your dad explained. "We will go tommorow, so pack your bag tonight!" Your mom continued. "Tommorow? But tommorow is Friday. Can't we go on saturday instead?" You asked.

"Come on hon, I need to prepare for the gifts and make up and you and many other things. We can't go on saturday. Uh uh...." Your mother shook her head, showing how stressed out it would be if they decided to go tomorrow.

You thought for a second and it was actually true. Not to mention that your mother would definitely needed to prepare, especially for a wedding party. You nodded quickly as an agreement and went into your room, checking your phone that had received some messages from the guys. You then replied them one by one.

Rowoon :
"(y/n)-ssi, did you like the treat I made you today?"
You :
"Yes oppa I liked it so much, thank you for today 😊"

Inseong :
"Hey (y/n)-ssi, any problem with your task again?"
You :
"No oppa."
"Thank you for helping me with my english work yesterday ^^"

Chani :
"Noona? Have you arrived home?"
You :
"Yes I have Chani. You don't have to be that worry lol"

Zuho :
"Do yoh have any group work wiht Hwiyoung or Chani again today?"
"Sorry for the typos"
You :
"It's okay oppa 😂"
"No, there aren't any group work today, why?"

Hwiyoung :
"Are you busy tommorow after school?"
You :
"Hwiyoung ssi, I won't go to school tommorow :(("
"Why you asked that?"

Taeyang :
"Did your parents see me? Did they say anything?"
"If yes what did they say?"
"If not then okay"
"Have you eaten yet?"
"Sorry if I spammed you hehe"
You :
"They thought you were my bf :("
"I will eat later on oppa. Don't worry."

After you sent out the messages, you took a bath and then changed your clothes. You opened your cupboard, looking for what you would've worn tommorow. However, nothing suited your style. You decided to just check your phone again, waiting for some replies since they usually replied fast, especially Chani. You unlocked your phone but none have answered yet.

"Hm, they're probably busy" You said to yourself. Suddenly your mom entered your room and covered your eyes from behind, making you startled at first.

"Mom, come on what is this" Your mom dragged you slowly to a chair and asked you to sit down. Still with your eyes shut, she prepared for something. You could heard something like a plastic wrap or who-knows-what.

"Open your eyes now...."

You opened your eyes slowly to see your mom was holding a dress. It colour was white, looking really pretty yet elegant at the same time. It almost seemed like one of the disney princesses' gowns.

"Mom, what is this?" You smiled at her, didn't know what else was there to say. "It's a dress of course." Your mother answered.

"Nooo, I mean for what?" You chuckled at her answer. "Of course for the wedding. I bought this yesterday after work and I thought that it would definitely fit you perfectly. Not to mention that you used to like disney princess hahaha" Your mom explained happily.

"Thank you mom.... but can I still use the usual gown for the wedding" You said, feeling a bit uneasy wearing a new gown at someone else's wedding. Your mom replied you back with a pout, making you unable to say no. After all, she had bought it specially for you either.

"Okay okay I will wear this.. but still I got no idea about make up and stuff...." You took the dress from her hand, throwing it onto your bed. "No worries! Your mom is an expert at make up. Now packed this carefully and put it into your suitcase okay." She smiled and then left your room. Not long after she left, your phone suddenly rang, signing a phone call from Hwiyoung.

Hwiyoung :
"You're not coming tommorow? Why??"

You :
"My uncle will have a wedding this saturday so I have to come. And I will leave tommorow"
"Make sure to tell me about the lesson tommorow okay!"

Hwiyoung :
"Oh no I will sit alone :("

You :
"Hahaha just hope that another person won't come tommorow"

Hwiyoung :
"I wanted to ask you if you can go to the amusement park this saturday but unfortunately, you can't"
"I will miss you tho"

You :
"Just us both? 😂"

Hwiyoung :
"nO! With Chani too. And probably the other hyungs will come."

You :
"Hahahah I wouldn't mind if it was only the two of us. Anyway I had to pack up my thing so bye."
"You can call me tommorow if you want."

Hwiyoung :
"Yeah, I will definitely call you 😂"

You closed your phone and opened up your suitcase, packing the clothes that you would need later on. Of course not forgetting the new dress. After that, you had dinner with your family. Your dad explained that you're going to leave tommorow in the early morning to avoid any traffic jam.

After feast, you went back to your room whereas your phone started to vibrated again. Knowing that it was probably the other guys, you decided to just answer them tommorow since you really wanted to sleep early tonight.

"Good night"


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