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^^^because it fits with the second half of the chapter, I would suggest listening to this once you get there to completely get the mood of the scene^^^

"Uhm," Felix cleared his throat. "Jungkook and I will just, you know, go. Leave you two to talk everything through. So, uhm, yeah. Bye."

With that, both him and Jungkook rushed away leaving Alyssa and Chris shooting daggers at each other with their eyes.

"Why did you come back?" Alyssa asked after a couple of minutes of silence.

"My flight was postponed due to a thunderstorm."

"No it wasn't," Alyssa uttered. "I checked, there are no thunderstorms in that direction. Why did you come back?"

Chris gulped as he looked at the ground.

"I can't leave this place, it just doesn't feel right. Maybe I've been here so long that my heart is one with the institution."

"Oh please, we both know that isn't true. You're afraid of losing someone, aren't you?"

Chris cocked an eyebrow at her.

"Don't flatter yourself, sweetheart, you are the last person I'd come back for. We aren't a thing anymore, remember? We broke up."

"But you still have feelings for me."

He scoffed.

"You're that desperate to get me back? Guess what, sweetie, I don't want to anymore. I don't have feelings, why don't you just get it?"

"Because I still do," Alyssa blurted as a tear rolled down her cheek. Her pride was battling her, trying to get her to shut up but Alyssa couldn't care less at this moment. It was either Chris or her pride...and she would pick Chris any day.

"Huh?" Chris looked at her in confusion.

"I'm an idiot, Chris. I said things I shouldn't have that night and things I shouldn't have just moments ago. And I regret them. I love you and I don't want you to leave when our situation is like this. It may be easy for you to forget me but trust me, I could never forget you. I'm an idiot because I ruined the best relationship I could ever dream of. I'm an idiot because I almost let you go without telling you how I felt. I'm an idiot because I let my pride get the better of me. I'm an idiot, Chris. And I'm sorry for that."

Chris watched as Alyssa broke down into tears in the middle of the corridor, unsure what exactly to do.

After a while, he subconsciously pulled her into a tight hug until her crying turned into little sniffles.

"You're not the idiot, Alyssa, I am," he finally spoke up. "I was the one who decided to end things. I was the one who hurt the both of us. You were just speaking your mind and I took everything to a different level, a level I shouldn't have. I'm sorry, and I still love you so, so much despite all I said."

"I love you too, Chris."

"Aw, how cute the two idiots finally confessed," Jaebum interrupted the moment with a clasp of his hands. " I would really enjoy this moment if it wasn't outside my office making it extra hard to concentrate. Just kiss and make up already, we're wasting time over here."

The couple rolled their eyes at Jaebum and kissed each other before hugging again.

'I'll miss you," Alyssa mumbled into Chris's chest.

He smiled.

"I'll miss you too."


As expected, Chris left the next morning after hugging and saying goodbye to Felix, Jungkook and Alyssa.

The institution became quiet and boring again soon after his departure but it was a feeling they were used to at this time.

As Alyssa was heading to her new room which was on the top floor, she passed Jaebum's office and bumped into a new kid.

"I'm so sorry," the boy with curly brown hair and chubby cheeks spoke, it was clear he was much younger than sixteen.

"It's okay," Alyssa gave him a smile. "New to this place?"

He nodded.

"And I'm not sure I like it very much..."

Alyssa chuckled a bit.

"What's your name, sweetheart?"

"Noah. Noah Murphy."

"Oh, well I'm Alyssa."

He smiled as he outstretched his hand for Alyssa to shake.

She immediately took it, pulling his sleeve down as she did.

"I would make sure to keep that tattoo hidden all the time if I were you. This place is full of enemies."

"Enemies?" He asked, growing worried.

"Well, generally anyone who doesn't have the same zodiac as is your enemy, but that doesn't mean you need to follow that rule."

Noah nodded as he glanced down at Alyssa's covered wrist, growing even more worried.

"Don't worry," Alyssa spoke up after seeing his reaction. "I'm also a Taurus, so we're allies."

He sighed in relief as he smiled at her.

"Thank goodness. I must be really lucky! What are the chances!"

Alyssa smiled as she recalled when she was in this situation with Bam.

"I guess all tauruses are lucky," she whispered under her breath. "I have to go now, take care," she told him before heading to her new room again.

Tears filled her eyes. She missed both Bam and Chris more than she'd actually like to admit.

She collapsed onto her new bed with a sigh.

The next few years were going to suck for her.

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