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"I messed up, Fe. I really screwed up this time and I can never fix it," Alyssa screamed in frustration.

Felix sighed upon seeing his best friend in such a state.

"The whole Chris and thing?" He asked to which she nodded.

"I was too cowardly to talk to him and now he's gone! I'm an idiot, Fe! Why am I such an idiot?"

"I don't know, maybe you're parents dropped you when you were a child or something."

Alyssa glared at him.

"Not the time."

"What? I was just answering your question."

"It was a rhetorical question, idiot."

"Stop describing yourself, geez."

"Felix, I swear I will kill you. Why are you my best friend, anyway?"

"Because no one else wanted the job."


"Ok, ok, calm down. I was just trying to joke around. The truth is, I don't know why you're an idiot."

With that, Alyssa hit Felix with a pillow, making him groan.

"I don't get it, you've barely been practising for a month and yet you're still so strong! That defies the laws of chemistry!"

"That's bio, idiot."

"For goodness' sake Alyssa, stop describing yourself."

"I swear, I'm so done with you, Felix. Why am I still talking to you right now?"

"Because for a second there, I made you forget about Chris."

Alyssa was quiet for a second before giving Felix a smile.

"You're good..."

"I know, I know, I'm awesome. I mean seriously, Alyssa. What would you do without me?"

She rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head at the Aussie.

"I still need your help though."

"With forgetting about Chris?"


"It's simple," he said, leaning closer to her. "Just kiss me and you'll forget all about him. I have a way of making girls forget about their ex's."

"I don't think so, mosquito boy," Alyssa chuckled as she pushed Felix away.

"Oh well, it's your loss anyway. You're missing all this," he gestured to himself as he posed like a model.

Alyssa couldn't help but laugh at her dorky best friend.

"Have you always been this extra or is it something the institution does to people? Because I mean just think of it, Chris, BamBam, Jungkook, Youngjae, Yugyeom and you have all been in the institution the longest and are incredibly extra...not to mention Jaebum."

Felix thought for a moment.

"Now that you mention it, that would make a lot more sense than all of us extra people just coming together."

"Guys!" Jungkook yelled as he ran into Felix's room.

"What?" Felix asked.

"I have great news!"

"What is it?"

"Due to a thunderstorm, Chris's flight was pushed to tomorrow. He's coming back to the institution for the night!"

"Just Chris or Bam as well?"

"Just Chris. Bam's flight was earlier so they missed the to go, I'm going to prepare the flour."

And with that, he was gone.

Alyssa cocked an eyebrow.

"The flour?"

"We were supposed to cover him with flour this morning but he left before we could."


"But you know what, Alyssa."


"I think God are trying to tell you something."

She rolled her eyes.

"I think it's just a coincidence."

"Is it though? Tonight I'm going to make sure to talk to him, okay? So don't you dare make stupid excuses."

Alyssa sighed.

"But what if-"

"No 'what if's. Just go prepare your speech already."

With that, she handed her a piece of paper and a pen before pushing her out of his room.


Just as Jungkook had said, Chris came back in the evening and immediately, Jungkook and Felix threw flour all over him.

"Thanks for the warm welcome, you two," he chuckled before pulling them into hugs.

"Thank you for coming back...someone wants to talk to you," Felix spoke up, causing Chris to release the hug early.

"Who?" He asked.

"Alyssa," he replied, noticing a frown cast on Chris's face.

"Why?" He asked rather bitterly, surprising both Jungkook and Felix.

"She wanted to talk about what happened the night you guys broke up."

Chris ran a hand through his hair with a sigh.

"Well I don't want to talk to her."

"Chris-" Jungkook tried but the older Aussie want having it.

"I made up my mind that night. I don't want anything to do with her."

"Just talk out," Felix pleaded.



"I said no! Never!"


"Let him be," Alyssa uttered bitterly as she approached them.

Chris avoided eye contact with her and instead gazed at the ground.

"Why are you here?" He asked quietly, still looking at the ground. "I don't want you here."

"Well that's just a shame, isn't it then? And don't flatter yourself, Aussie. I came for Felix and Jungkook, not you."

Alyssa's harsh words hurt Chris as much as they hurt her to say but she wasn't going to let Chris speak about her like that. She had never been one to allow such.

"Alyssa," Jungkook uttered. "I think you should talk everything out with him."

The British girl looked at Chris. She could tell him but he was and wanted to pull him into a hug and apologise but her pride wouldn't let her.

Her mind was telling her she was too harsh, that he still loves her as much as she loved him but Alyssa brushed them off.

"Why should I? He was the one who made the decision? He was the one who left me."

"You were the one who implied it in the first place," Chris retorted, finally looking at her and her heart broke.

He had tears in his eyes and Alyssa finally realised the effect of her words.

Chris still loved her. Chris still cared.

Her thoughts were telling her to pull him into a hug, to tell him how much he meant to her.

A tear rolled down her cheek.

Thoughts are dangerous.

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