All Roads

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Athos let out a sigh as he gazed upon the first wall of the city, the army that had come to face him, was utterly decimated with minimal effort, due to each giant in his army having an immense amount of strength. " He still refuses to face me..." Athos said, crushing a man beneath his heal as he scoffed.

" Coward! Zeus! Hades! Poseidon! FIGHT ME LIKE MEN YOU COWARDS! " He screamed to the heavens, sending his fist onto the ground and beginning to punch it rapidly in a fit of pure rage, destroying the landscape in the process.

" Gentlemen, we are gathered here today because our military might has failed us, our allies have abandoned the kingdom of Bala as well, so, we have come to a decision..." Prince Telence stated, looking upon his pathetic excuse for a militia in disdain.

" The one to kill Athos will receive a reward of 3,000,000,000 Euro, the one to slay the most giants shall be rewarded by marrying princess Jona " He continued, forcing a smile upon his face.

" As we know, Athos stands with his army on the borders of our kingdom, so, from the capital, we will have to travel a great deal of miles to reach him...some of us may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make for the greater good..." The Prince said solemnly, getting on horseback.

" Our first checkpoint is Steel Town, we'll rest there for the night and cover more ground the next day! " He finished, charging northwards towards the quaint place, prompting the others to follow him.

Hottan, son of the Dragon Ladon that was slain by Heracles had been dragged into this mess. He had been imprisoned multiple times by defiling statues of the Demi-God, however, he had been released along with his fellow inmates in a desperate attempt to have a large army. He had gained the lead with ease, dashing past the Prince, and getting the militia riled up.

Out of nowhere, a woman began dashing across the rooftops, taking the lead, despite running without a horse. " How the devil did she do that? The Gods must be on her side..." Telence muttered, trying to get his horse to advance faster.

" Perfect! " Hottan said to himself, as his horse jumped upwards, landing upon the wooden stairways of a house that was made recently, as his plan was to get behind the female.

And, as planed, Hottan managed to get behind the female, giving his horse a rest from the harsh winds in the area, and rejuvenating it for the time being. " Nows the time.." He said to himself, as his horse bursted through the air in a mad dash, running past the female and the prince with ease, and making it to the checkpoint first.

The dragon/human hybrid fed his horse first, and then ran off to meet with the others in the militia. " Some of them are still arriving, you know? " A hooded female said, smiling.

" Really? It's been a couple hours since the whole ' race ' began to get here..." Hottan said, looking outside of the inn from his window, squinting to see any more late arrivals.

The woman snuck a piece of paper in the man's pocket before walking away from him. " I don't see anything..." He said, only to look back and find nobody was there.

" ....Women..." Hottan sighed, walking back to his room in annoyance.

" I'll keep a watch for her tomorrow...she's a strange one " He Thought, jumping on his bed and getting some well deserved rest for the journey the next day.

Hottan began his next day traversing the forest, it was a much slower journey now due to the crowded area. Instead of going for the lead, the hybrid began to stay close to the female he had met the night before. " Did you ever figure out I put a note in your pocket when you weren't looking? " The hooded figure asked, annoyed.

" No, and I changed my clothes so I'll probably won't find out what the note was, but I can guess what it is..." Hottan replied, smirking.

The clops of their horses began to drown out the noise of the others that were close by. " I highly doubt that.." She said, letting a chuckle escape her lips.

" Perhaps you've confessed your love to me? " Hottan asked, sarcastically.

" No you dimwit! " The woman shouted loudly.

" Then What is- "

" Wait, stop..." The woman ordered, halting her horse as silence carried throughout the area, the sounds of clopping became quieter as time passed.

" We're being picked off..." Hottan muttered, looking around the area vigorously for the origin of all this mayhem.

A figure leaped down from the trees and crashed into Hottan's horse, Impaling the four legged animal with her horns, only to dash backwards the release them from their temporary prison. " It seems my targets have caught on to me, I can't have you running off and telling the others, now can I? " Diah stated, getting into a fighting stance as charged towards Hottan, who had been trapped under half his horse after he fell.

" I won't let you hurt him! " The hooded figure shouted, firing a purple projectile from her hands, sending Diah crashing into a tree.

" Y-You're a mage? " Hottan uttered in awe at how easily she had defeated her opponent.

" Yes, and you're my valuable asset, Hottan..." She said, charging towards the horned female to finish her off.

" If you think that killing me will solve're dead wrong! " Diah shouted, lunging towards her opponent with her horns.

" Kill me! And a hundred other people take my place! Athos has sent spies all across Bala to tear it apart from the inside! " She continued, only for an arcane circle to encompass her being, causing a large wave of energy to envelop her, burning Diah greatly.

The two continued their path cautiously, and set up camp a few miles from the fallen attacker. " How do you know my name? " Hottan asked, tilting his head at the woman curiously.

" It's easier to show you then tell you..." The hooded figure muttered coldly, taking off her hood and revealing she was Princess Jona.

" You came here so you wouldn't have to be married off to some stranger..." The Hybrid theorized, looking over at the Royal in awe.

Jona nodded and smiled. " You've also aroused my interest, Hottan, I looked at the background information of everyone in Bala, and by far, you have interested me the most " She explained.

" What was the note about then? " Hottan asked, raising an eyebrow.

" I'm planning on teaching you magic, Dragons apparently have the highest potential for it...but it's getting late, so we should rest here for the time being, in shifts at least " Jona sighed, laying down on the mat she set up and falling asleep, with lesson 1 starting the next day....

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