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I wake up and Dals passed out. I sit up and light a cigarette. I'm still in the clothes from last night. I get up and grab a piece of paper.

Went to the gas station to grab a pack of kools since im smoking my last one now.
~ Danica

I leave and go to the store. I get eyed by Socs and Greasers and of course, they call all sorts of sick cat calls. "Ain't that Dally's girl?" I hear a grease say as I walk by. I smirk. I've got that title. I get to the gas station.

"Danica." I turn and see Ponyboy running up to me. "Is everything alright between you and Dal?" He asks. I lean against the wall. "Got a cancer stick?" He nods handing me one. "I wouldn't say its perfect, Pony." He nods then looks me up and down. "You alright, you look like you've been to hell." I laugh. "I'm alright." We walk inside, and I get a pack of cigarettes.

I pay the guy at the register. Pony and I start walking. "You dig him, Dani?" I nod. "Sure, when he's not being a dick." He chuckles. "Ought' to get used to it." I nod. We end up splitting since he had to go.

I get back to Bucks and up to Dals room. "Doll?" I hear Dally mumble, he's sitting on the edge of the bed. I hum to let him know I'm listening. "Toss me a cancer stick." I throw him one and sit down next to him. We don't say anything to each other. I lay back down and pass out again.

Dallas Point of View

She didn't say anything. She smoked a cigarette and passed out again. She wasn't showing much emotion, but then again, neither was I. I open my wallet and see the picture Soda had taken of us after the rumble. She was shy then, and seemed almost scared of me.

She wasn't scared now. She'd be able to curse me out and throw me away no problem. Maybe she thought I could do the same to her. I could, I really could. I didn't want to.

I wanted my tough persona back. I hate being this person that seems so nice to her, I dont want to hurt her again, she'll trashes me. Sylvia was a dumb broad and I didn't care that she cheated and left me, she was a fuck more then to have a relationship with. Danica has more compassion.

"Dally?" I hum. She mumbles something incoherent. She looks up at me and her eyes seem watery. I lay down and wrap my arms around her. She lays her head on my chest and puts her hand in mine. I kiss the top of her head. "Y-you alright, Doll? You're scaring me a bit." I ask quietly. "I'm alright."

Danica Point of View

I wake up again and light a cigarette. "Dani, you should change clothes." Dal says. I nod. "Yea your right." I laugh and get up and go to my bag grabbing a pair of blue jeans and a gray long sleeve.

"Wanna grab the gang and go to The Dingo?" Dally questions. I strip and put my new clothes on. "Yea, sure." I heard pitter pattering on the roof and then looked out the window. "Its raining, Dal." He shrugs. "I can ask Buck if we can take his Cadillac." I nod. "Yea I guess." We go downstairs and Buck doesn't even wait for Dal to ask, he tosses Dally his keys. "Dont wreck it." We leave and run to the Cadi.

We get in. I was soaked, it was pouring pretty hard. I looked over at Dally. He had a smirk on his face. He was staring at a broad. I snapped in front of his face, he pointed at her. She had makeup running down her face. I started laughing. "Man she looks like a badly painted art project." Dally erupts into laughter and starts the car. "Man, good thing you ain't lookin' like that." I shrug. "I don't wear makeup other wise, I probably would."

He places his hand above your knee and looked at you. "Normally you throw my hand off." He says. I roll my eyes and smirk. "Just drive, Winston." He smiles and starts driving.

He drove pretty crazily, and it made me wonder if he'd ever driven before. He must've looked over at me because he stopped going so fast. I were scared to say the least. We got to the Curtis'. We ran to the house since it was pouring out, still.

The gang looked at us as I quickly closed the door smiling. "What's wrong?" They all looked at us concerned. "Nothin', we came over to see if y'all wanted to go to The Dingo with us." Dal said casually. He wrapped his arm around me. Two-bit jumped up like a five year old. "Yes! Let's go!" He hollered. We left in two cars, Bucks and Darrys.

Steve and Two-bit came with Dal and I and the rest went with Darry. It was pretty quiet besides the radio being on. "How come y'all are so quiet?" Dal asks. Two-bit elbows Steve. "You tell em'." I cocked an eyebrow. "You and the broad seem to dig each other a lot, and she comes around a lot more then the other broads you've had, you love er' man?" Steve said. I blushed and pushed in the car lighter.

Dally didn't answer, he turned the radio up. I didn't freak out, I didn't really care too much. I heard little bits and pieces of Steve and Two-bit whispering back and forth about us. The lighter popped out and I lit a cigarette taking a drag. I looked at Dal and leaned over to him and whispered;

"They don't really need to know anyways, and I'm not in a hurry to know either." We got to the Dingo and ran inside. Darry got there first, so we went to the table. Dally pulled me to the side.

"Doll, I hope you dont think that I don't dig you, i-i do." I shake my head. "Its none of their business, and I know you dig me Dal, I dig you too. Don't stress it." We both seemed to be avoiding the L word. I blushed and kissed him, hearing the hollering of the guys I got nervous and disconnected. Dal and I sat down.

Everyone joked and talked about anything, and pretty much everything.

Dal seemed to always get more exited when you two (2) were in public. He was feeling you up under the table, you were feeling uncomfortable to say the least.

"Dal stop, please." You beg whispering. He smirked and kissed you, he took his hand off of your thigh and intertwined his hands with yours. You pushed him off gently. "Not in front of the guys, I would imagine it makes them uncomfortable." He nodded and kept his hand in yours.

We stayed until they kicked us out at closing time. We brought Steve and Two-bit to their houses and then headed back to Bucks.

"How come your more touchy around the guys?" I ask turning the radio off. He shrugs. "Let em' know you are mine." I blush. "I'm sure they are more then aware." He smirks and turns the radio back on.

We get back to Bucks and strip of our clothing. This was becoming a new thing with us. I'd sleep in my bra and panties and Dal slept in his boxers. Neither of us complained, and we sure didn't mind either. I was getting more comfortable with Dally, and I hoped that he'd keep my trust. I was still weary of him because of the rep he had.

Tuff Enough ️⚔ Dallas Winston storyWhere stories live. Discover now