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"Danica! I didn't mean it!" I hear Dally call, but I don't look back. "Oh, shut it you good for nothin' hood!" I spit. He runs in front of me, grabbing hold of my hands. "Dani, seriously. Hear me, don't be a stupid broad." I feel my eyes stinging and quickly look away. I think of my father. "Get off of me, Winston!" He wraps his arms around me and I begin to sob.

"Babe, I.. I'm sorry, alright!? I really am! I knew they were gonna pull some stupid shit like that. I knew they would that's why I told you to let the boys handle it. They're a bunch of stupid fucking broads." He spits in a cluster of words. "I said it out of anger. You didn't do anything when your father hit you, which I still dont fucking understand." He continues desperately and meanly.

I get a grip and wheeze, then wince from the pain of my bruises. "Fuck you." I mumble weakly. He picks me up and walks me over to the grass and I cradle his lap, crying on his shoulder. He kisses my cheek. He mumbles sweet nothings to make me feel better. I don't. I wince again. "It fucking hurts, this shit and you. Its toxic." I tumble to the side covering my face with one hand and clutching my side with the other.

"Breathe, Doll." I try and catch my breathe and wipe my eyes. I look up at Dally. "Dallas Winston, I swear on everything I will make you fucking history." I curse. He nods. I sit up.

I look at Dal and he wipes the tears coming down my face. "Stop crying, Doll." He says quietly. "Let's motor." I stand up slowly and he stands up taking my hand in his.

We get to Dally's and I see my now old clique drinking. Dal let's out a loud sigh. "I'm not dealing with that shit again." He says pulling me into him. "Let me beat the shit outta her." I say. He shakes his head. "Buck doesn't know you, he'll kick you out." I shrug. "Go talk to him while I bust her shit then." He kisses me. "Fine, talk to her for a minute and then kick her shit in. You gotta give me time to explain it quick." I nod. We walk in and Veronica looks at me.

"Back for more, whore?" I smile and Dal walks behind the bar and talks to Buck. "It ain't too nice to be talkin' about yourself like that." She lunges at me and I slap her, and push her to the ground. I get a couple swings at her and she swings at me a couple of times and began to choke me. I get her hands off of my neck and smack her head on the ground. Dally rips me off of her and holds my waist lightly as I try and get to her.

"Break it up broads!" Buck lifts Veronica up and pushes her and the rest of them out the door. I hear her loud obnoxious sobs as they walk away. I laugh and wipe my lip. "You two are wrecks." Buck says giving me a glass of water and laughing at me and Dal.

"I'm Danica." I say with a smirk shaking his hand. "Buck, and you are one tough broad, Danica." He compliments. I nod "Thanks." Dal and I go upstairs and he calls the Curtis'. I listen to the conversation.

"Hey, Darry, man we're at my place." Dal says. "You fucked up pretty good Dal, how doesn't she hate your guts?" Darry replies. "Its... to complicated to explain and I dont want to do it right now. Y'all should come over here for some drinks or at least to hang." Darry sighs. "Alright we will be their at 7. Is Dani okay at least?" Dal looks at me. "She's fine, I'll see y'all later." He hangs up and hugs me.

He lights a cigarette. "You got any dresses or skirts with you?" I shake my head. "No. I need to go to my house and get more clothes anyways." He nods "We'll go there then." We leave and go to my house.

We get to my house and sneak upstairs. I grab more clothes. "Get a skirt." He says. I nod and shove a black short skirt with a blue long sleeve. It was cropped, but didn't show my stomach. I also threw flats in.

We leave and go back to bucks. I strip and put on my clothes and cleaned my face from dried blood. He wrapped his hands around my waist. "You're stunnin', Doll." He says laughing. I blush "Dally, don't pull any shit." He nods. "I know, Dani." He takes his hands off of you.

We go down stairs and see the gang. Two-bit whistles. I blush and Dal puts his arm around me. He was definitely the jealous type. I could tell. Steve elbowed Two-bit in the gut.

"Doll, what happened to your lip?" Soda asked. I laughed and whispered in his ear "Fought Veronica." You looked at him and he was blushing and biting his lip. "Figured. We seen em' under a tree on our way here and she was beaten pretty bad." I shrug "Good." He laughs.

We all went and sat in one of the lounge areas and hung out for a couple hours. None of us got drunk besides Two-bit who had a buzz before he even got here.

I sat down next to Dally, of course. He whispered in my ear. "Don't be alarmed." He put his hand on upper thigh. Ponyboy choked on his coke. I whispered in Dally's ear. "Get you hand off of me, babe." His hand traveled farther up. "I'm not fucking digging it, Winston." I say taking his hand off of my thigh.

"We should get goin'." Darry says out of discomfort standing up. I stood up and hugged him and everyone else. They all left and I sat back down with Dally. He put his hand on my thigh again. "You are fucking hot." He says with lust filled eyes. I roll my eyes. "I'm not digging it." I stand up and walk upstairs to Dal's room.

I lay down taking my flats off. Dally doesn't come up right away. I hear the door open and close, I close my eyes as i'm facing the wall. "Sleeping already?" He lays down next to me. "I'm not good at showing my emotions. You don't know that yet, hell you barley know me. I fucked up, I know. I'm sorry baby. You're stunning and I know you hate me and want me to rot... Man, why am I even saying any of this, you can't hear me anyways so it doesn't matter. I wouldn't be able to say it even if you were awake." I feel him plant a kiss on my forehead and shut off the light. "Night, Doll."

Tuff Enough ️⚔ Dallas Winston storyWhere stories live. Discover now