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Dally and I fall asleep. When I wake up, Dal is on the phone with someone. He must think that I'm still "sleeping"

"Her father slapped her, man. We have to do something." "She didn't even shed a tear, its like it was normal for her. I wanted to kill him, man." "I.. I dont know she's just different from the rest." "When she wakes up we will be over." *click*

He lays down with me and lights a cigarette. I open my eyes. He sighs. "How long have you been awake?" I sit up. "What are you gonna do to em'?" I question taking his cigarette. "Throw em in jail or somethin'. He's hurting you." I shake my head "Dally, don't. I'll stay here as long as you want me to as long as you just leave him to die and rot, okay?" He nods. "Fine, and you dont have to stay here all the time. I'm sure Steve, Two-bit or the Curtis' would have no problem with you sleeping at theirs. Hell, you could sleep in the lot with Johnny too." I smile.

We leave to go to the Curtis'. "Who were you on the phone with before?" I question. He hands me a cigarette. "Darry. He called and was wondering where we were and why we didn't come back and I told him what happened." I nodded.

We arrived at the Curtis' house and everyone was hyper and hollering. I looked at Dal. "What's going on?" I say quietly with a laugh. "Ever heard of a rumble?" He asked. I nodded "I go to em' all the time." He looked at me surprised. "How come I've never seem you?" We sit down on the couch. "I don't stay for the after party." He laughs.

"Danica, you don't wanna ruin your jacket, take this one." Ponyboy threw a dark green jacket at me to put on. "Thanks Pony." He smiled with a nod.

The boys are spruced up and all you can smell is cologne. It was very prominent. We left to meet the Socs, the boys were doing acrobatics off the porch and Steve did a flip off of a car. I laughed and was shocked at their skills. "Darry taught us all acrobatics, thinkin' it'd help in a fight." Dally said. I nodded, and was very impressed.

We got to the lot and I met Tim Shepherds gang. They were all a little off. The Socs arrived shortly after we did. We lined up. I seen the Soc that had raped me and hurt Johnny. I looked away and at Dal. "We'll take on asshole." Dal gives you his cigarette seeming to see that you are uncomfortable and tense. "Sounds good to me." Before our conversation was really over, someone threw the first punch and everyone started.

I went behind the Soc we decided to team on and jumped on his back pulling him by his hair down onto the ground, then I let Dally take over. I see a Soc lock his eyes onto Dal and he started running towards him. I lunged at him and tackled him throwing punches. The Soc threw punches at me and it was a back and forth thing between him on top of me and kicking me. He had me weak.

The rumble didn't last long. I heard someone shout "They're fuckin' runnin'!" I knew it was a grease. I looked up and seen the Socs running. The Soc threw another punch at me, and for all I had left in me I hit him one more time, and fell back. I laid and looked up at the sky but struggled getting to me feet seeing Dal on his knees but cheering along with everyone else. I ran over and helped him up.

We stumble away from everyone else and I try and bring Dal to the hospital. He was hurt, bad. "Doll dont bring me to the hospital I'm fine." He says in slurs. "Dally! You're hurt!" I say in shortness of breath. "Yea well, your not doing to hot either. Go to the Curtis'." I sigh and we stumble to the Curtis'.

We walk in and I fall to my knees after holding half of Dally's weight. "Fuck." I curse quietly holding onto my side. Dally helps me up and we both collapse on the couch.

"Where did you two go?!" Darry asked concerned. "I was gonna take Dally to the hospital but we just came here instead." I said with my teeth clenched in pain. "Doll, you should be the one in the hospital, you don't look to hot." Steve mumbles. I close my eyes as Darry cleans me up and Ponyboy cleaned up Dally since we were both pretty incapable of doing it ourselves.

You feel Dally slide his hand into yours intertwining his fingers and squeezing weakly. I open my eyes and look at him. He smiles and I smile back. "I'll be fine." He clears his throat. "I know."

Darry and Pony finish cleaning us up and we fall asleep with each other on the couch.

I wake up and hear the boys talking but keep my eyes shut.

"Are they a thing?" "I dont know Sodapop." "Well it looks like it to me." "Do you think Dal will hurt her?" "I'm worrin' about that too Johnny." "Darry shouldn't you know? You were talking to Dal not to long ago about it." "Two, I think maybe he has feelings for er' he's never cared about a broad so much."

They stop talking and I feel Dal squeeze my shoulder weakly. I nuzzle my head. We're both awake.

"Someone get the camera and get a picture of the two." "I got it, Steve!"

A little bit latter I hear the click of the camera. I hear someone mumble "shit" Dal laughs weakly. "Let me see it Sodapop." I open my eyes and sit up. He hands me the picture. I smile and hand it back to Dally.

"You aren't mad, Danica?" Two-bit asks taking a swig of this beer. "No, and a beer already?" I question weakly. He nods with a huge smile.

"You two don't look to good." I look at Dally. He has a huge cut on his forehead and his cheek is bruised. "I Don't feel too good either." I say. Dally nods in agreement.

Dally sits up wincing. "I need a cigarette." He mumbles so I only hear. "Make that the both of us." I dig through the pocket of my jacket which is on the end of the couch and grab a cigarette and struggle to get up. "Just smoke in here you two." Darry says. I shrug and sit down handing a cigarette to Dal. I light mine and he takes his lighting it on the end of mine. I laugh and wince.

We hang around for the day. Dally and I end up feeling a little better later and decide to go back to his place.

Tuff Enough ️⚔ Dallas Winston storyWhere stories live. Discover now