Easter And April Fools Shouldn't Mix

Start from the beginning

"Wait, you guys just said that we had to do this?" Duke interrupted. Jason looked back at him and glared. You took this time to grab yourself an egg and adjust your position. This time you grabbed Jason and brought his face down towards yours.

"Now why would we give up?" you said tapping Cass's foot. You raised your hand that was holding the egg slowly so that the other boys wouldn't notice and let it rest on Jason's shoulder. 


Before he could say anything else, you smashed the egg on Jason's head and watched as confetti and parts of the eggshell rain down his face. You could see the pure horror in his eyes as he realized what you had done to him. Just as he pulled away you saw the other girls throw their eggs at the boys. Steph threw hers at Tim, Cass at Duke, and Bab's at Dick. You pumped your fist in the air as confusion spread through their faces. 

 You began to dance around in excitement as the boys just stood there confused. "We won! Again!" You shouted.

"Th...that...that's cheating!" Tim exclaimed. The rest of the boys nodded in agreement. You stopped dancing and looked at the girls. 

"Was that cheating ladies?" You asked them. You heard a chorus of no's as you returned to your victory dance. You heard someone behind you growl, and before you could react, Jason had you pinned back at the counter.

"That wasn't nice y/n."

"Oh yeah? What are you going to do about it? Huh?"

Teasing him might've not been a good idea. He took an egg out of your bucket and smashed on your head before giving you a kiss on the cheek. When you snapped out of your daze you grabbed your bucket and handed to the girls. You took another egg and threw it at Jason. You missed and hit Dick instead starting an egg-throwing war.


Twenty minutes later, the nine of you were on the kitchen floor giggling like middle school girls. Except you guys were covered with confetti and glitter. After the giggling stopped Duke turned towards you and asked the million dollar question. "Where did you get the idea to put confetti in empty eggshells?"

You sat up and looked at the ground. "Well, it's this thing they do in Mexico. I think."

"You think?" Barbara interrupted.

"Shh I'm not done," you said. "People would crush a cascaron, that's what they are called by the way, over a person's head and that was said to bring good luck."

"Huh, but why during Easter?" Dick asked.

"I don't know, but this is common practice in birthday parties, Halloween, Cinco de Mayo, Day of the Dead, and sometimes in weddings. It's just a thing people picked up," you added.

"We should do this more often," Damian said out of nowhere. Everyone nodded in agreement before getting off the floor. Everyone began to dust themselves off when all of the sudden they were hit by a massive wave of black and white extra fine glitter. All of you stopped like deer caught in headlights as Bruce and Selina laughed at all of you.

"Happy Easter and April Fools Day!" they shouted as they ran off to god knows where. You all tried to shake off the glitter before Alfred arrived but it was too late.

"Dear lord!"

You looked up to see a horrified Alfred. "Hehehe, Uh, Hi." 


"This sucks," Tim said as he and Stephanie wiped the kitchen counters. You sighed in agreement as you tried to sweep the glitter. Keyword tried. The glitter was refusing to cooperate and it was getting everywhere. Jason was washing dishes with glitter on them, Damian was dusting shelves, and Everyone else was trying to come up with ways to get rid of the damned glitter.

"Any luck?" you asked Duke. He looked at you before nodding no. You huffed in annoyance as you dropped the useless broom.

"Screw this mess." you said making your way towards the sink, "Why do we have to clean up Bruce and Selina's mess?"

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at you. "What?" You asked.

"How about we get some payback?" Dick said. You smiled knowing where this was going to go.


Eight hours. It took the nine of you eight hours to clean up the kitchen. But it took you thirty minutes to hollow out at least nine hundred eggs and then fill them confetti with the help of two speedsters. The girls, boys and you placed the eggs in places where Bruce and Selina were sure to be at together. And sure enough, they fell into your guy's trap. Well, kinda. Basically, they were making out and they were headed to Bruce's room, but yeah! The nine of you hid somewhere in his room awaiting their arrival. The minute they entered the room, they were bombarded with eggs of different colors each filled with confetti and extra fine glitter.

"Happy Easter and April Fools Day!" you all shouted as you ran out of the room with smiles on your faces. 

a/n: I finally did something productive! Anyways, have a fun and a safe Easter and April Fools day!

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