"You go to socialize."

"But I've only been here for a day."

"You've been here for three days."

I run in front of him to stop him walking anymore. "You mean to tell me that I was asleep for three. Three! Days and no one decided to tell me?!"

"Yes. I'm sorry. I didn't think that you would want to know." He holds up his hands.

"Why wouldn't I want to know?!"

"Because we kept you asleep with the Sleep Serum."

"Why?! Why?! Why the hell would you do that?!" I punch his shoulder.

"Ow! How are you that strong?" He rubs his shoulder diligently.

"I've been through a lot."

"True. The only reason that we did that was because we didn't know what 1 wanted to do with you so we let him decide your schedule." 

"Isn't there like some type of committee or council that decides what I do, so that you don't have just one ruler? So that you don't have a tyrant and a person that thinks one way?"

"Yes, we have 3."

"What about 2?"

"We do not speak about what happened to 2." He looks at me with a burning intensity in his eyes.

"Ok. I didn't know that we weren't supposed to talk about 2. No one told me that." I hold up my hands.

"I'm sorry it's just a hard topic to talk about, she," He starts to tear up. "She was my mother. They made her drink a vile of poison that would kill her in seconds. And they made me watch, to show me what would happen if I betrayed them." He wipes a tear from his cheek.

"Hey." I rest my hand on his shoulder. "Please don't cry. I hate to see you cry."

"I'm sorry." He sniffles and starts to walk then turns around. "I'm not supposed to tell you this but my name is Austin Smith."

"Austin. Is there a place where we can go and no one, I mean absolutely no one will see us?"

"Umm. Ya the supply closet, why?" He looks at me inquisitively.

"Take me there. Now." He leads me down three halls ducking and hiding from guards the whole way. Once we are there I sit on a box with food in it. "Gimme your right arm."

"What?" He draws his arm closer to him.

"Just gimme it." I hold out my hand. He gently places it in my hand. "Tell me everything you know about this." I study where it is and where blood vessels are.

"Like I told you it shocks me when we try to take it out and it tracks where we are. It sends whether we are alive or not to the main headquarters."

"Where does the shock come from?" I look up at him.

"The main thing itself. There is two cords connected to my heart that leads to it. It shocks me when it's going to be removed unless a code is inputted to my controls. Which is a single control among thousands."

"Yours is 905 I'm guessing." I look back down and turn his arm over.

"Well, yeah. That's common sense." I look up at him in disbelief. "Sorry. I realized that I sounded mean."

"Anyway. So if I cut the wires before I took the square out would it shock you?"

"No. It couldn't, theoretically." He looks at me with a bothered look.

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