Chapter 2

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I woke up on a blue blanket, that was sloppily laying on a bed. My head hurt, everything hurt. 'No. He didn't.' My moment of realization is horrid. I could hear him humming in another part of the house. I got up and noticed that I was in someone else's clothes. There was a pregnancy test on the blue-black nightstand. I decided to use it. I walked into the tile bathroom and took it.

1-12-2007 1:48 AM

I'm hysterical. He raped me while I was knocked out. I hate to say it but every time I'm gonna look into this baby's eyes I'm only going to see Brad. It's terrible, I know that but I was so scared that he had a gun or something. All that I know is that I will do everything in my power to make sure that he doesn't turn out like Brad. That's why I went with it. I feel like I'm slowly drowning in a pool of thick, clear, blue water. I feel so alone like there's no one to save me.I have to go he's coming.

-Rayne Horell

"Ah. I see you're awake. Did you take the test like a good girl?"

I slowly nod. My neck throbs when I move it. I slowly back away.

"How long was I out for?"

"Seven days."

"Thank you." I say so sharply it almost looked like he flinched.

"For what?" He sounded bothered.

"Oh nothing, except getting me pregnant."

"I did WHAT!?"


"I got you pregnant. No. I couldn't have. I was safe and careful."

It was kinda funny to see him beat himself up. He walked over and punched a hole in the wall.

"Okay. We need to get you to a place that does abortions."

"And punish a helpless living soul for your stupid mistake."

"It was yours to."

"How, I was knocked out!" I started to yell by the end.

"Okay. But that thing growing inside of you is gonna have nothing to do with me."

"Fine by me. Can I just please leave? You have no use of me now."

"Yes. Go. Get out. But if you tell I will hunt you down and kill you. Slowly and painfully."

I grab my bag and leave with such haste that I'm at my car before I know it. I take in fat, hefty breaths and reach down to my stomach. 'Nothing will hurt you. You will not have my life. You will have a good life.' As soon as I get into my car I speed home. I stop to take it all in. 'The house is still mine. God. I need a job. A sixteen year old can't really get a good, high paying job, right.' I hop in a shower, eat because I'm no longer only feeding one, reach underneath my bed to get my secret stash of money. There had to be at least two hundred dollars. Then I get back into my car and head to seven places to see if they would hire me. Only three of them considered because I'm pregnant.


I finally got away from it. Me and my baby. Time to put all of this behind me. I'm trying to get a job but it's not looking so good. I will find a way. How am I so positive all of the time. 

-Rayne Horell

"Let's go. First things first. I need to get time on my phone." I pull into a Walmart.

I walk in and see so many things that I forgot existed. I somehow remember where everything is. I talk to the cashier the first real conversation I've had in awhile. After I buy everything I hop back into my car. My phone rings. I jump and pick it up.

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