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1-1-2007 12:30 PM

    My mom got me this journal and told me to write in it every day. So here I am writing about who knows what. I guess I should start with my family. My dad’s name is Jace Horell he has chestnut colored hair, green eyes, and he is very tan from his business trips, my mom is Vic Horell she has black hair, blue eyes, and is pale because she has a disease that makes it so she can't go out into the sun, and I’m Rayne Horell, I have midnight black hair, green-blue eyes, freckles, and I’m also very pale. I’m an only child, sixteen years old, and I live in Stowe, VT. I hate writing about my life there are some things that should remain unsaid.

-Rayne Horell

Slowly Drowning (Under Construction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora