✿ eight

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Her grandmother got her thinking. People say that the older ones know many things about life just because they've experienced a lot and are capable of giving advice to those who need it, so was her nonna right this time? Will her and Luke ever be something more? 

She was maybe over thinking this whole situation, as her nonna once said "Don't over thing too much dear, you're loosing your beauty" and she stuck with that advice. Once they got inside the flat, her shoes were taken off and just left in the corner. The floor beneath her felt cold against her feet as she made her way into her room. Her stomach began to ache, that was the last thing she needed right now, but those cramps just didn't listen. She sat on the ground and searched for a position that would ease the pain. Just when she placed her hands down as a sign of accomplishment, there was a ring from the other room. This time she didn't move a muscle and hoped that her grandmother would answer.

And she did, but after a few seconds passed she heard her nonna calling her name. She had to get up after all. 

"Just a minute, I'll be right there." She yelled loud enough so her voice was heard in the other room.

"It's Luke" That sentence got her so nervous that her hands started sweating like crazy. 

"Aren't you going to answer it Lia?" The phone was handed to her as she put it close to her ear.

"Um, hi, yeah it's me." She started the conversation and slowly made her way back in the room, it would have been really awkward if she stayed and her nonna heard everything they were going to talk about even though it probably wouldn't have been something very personal.

"You kinda forgot something at my place." 

"Have I?"

"Yeah those pad things are still in my room." He said and she swore she could hear him slightly laughing while he formed that stupid, yet lovable smile.

Her cheeks turned red and she was relived that Luke couldn't see her, it would have been even more embarrassing that it already was.

"Hey are you still here?" He questioned.

"Uh, yes, I totally forgot about them, um maybe I should come over and get them." She was now nervously walking around the room and you could say she was panicking.

"Sure. Goodbye Lia." And he hung up. It was the way he said her name that got her heart racing so fast. She didn't know what she was feeling at the moment, she was a total mess.

Even though she would have rather stayed at home with her head in the pillow after that conversation, she managed to get up and fix her appearance a bit.

"Nonna, I'll go over to Luke's house, I kinda forgot something there." She said and put on a pair of flip flops.

"Alright Lia." When she turned to her grandmother she saw a cheeky smile on her face. The door was closed gently after she left. The way to Luke's place wasn't long, in fact it was only a few minutes away. When she finally reached to the front door she stood there for a second before she inhaled deeply and knocked.

"Hey" She was surprised to see him because she was expecting his mother.

"Um, hey" She greeted back and smiled slyly while Luke signaled her to come inside.

"Let's go up in my room, mum is sleeping and she told me not to make any noise." 

She didn't say anything just followed him to the room that was now familiar to her. When they entered inside she noticed the pack of pads on his bed. She grabbed them and tugged them in her hand. She wasn't sure what to do rather than go home.

"Are you leaving?" He asked with disappointment in his eyes.

"Uh well yes, I didn't tell nonna I would stay long."

"I thought that maybe we could I don't know go for a walk or something. I found a really nice place and I'd like to show it to you."

She couldn't believe her ears, was that really true, that he wanted to spend more time with her, it seemed unreal. Should she say yes? 

"Um I'd really liked to but,"

"But, but, but there's always that but." He seemed, kinda angry that she didn't answer with a straight "yes".

"I have to go back home and tell nonna what I'm planning to do, I don't want her to worry, and then you can show me that place you mentioned." When she finished her sentence and he understood what she meant with that "but" he was relieved. 

"Okay then I guess I'll see you in a few minutes?" 

"Yes, um you can wait for me on the bench next to the big oak tree."

"Alright Lia I'll be waiting." And with that she was already out of his room.

yay he is going to show her something 

omg would you rather is so fucking amazing it gave me chills omg go read it 

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