✿ four

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Her body froze instantly when she saw him looking in her direction. It felt like her feet were glued to the floor and she couldn't move. They stood there for a couple of seconds, looking at each other, none of them saying a word or making any movement. As she was about to raise her hand and wave, Luke made his way into the house, leaving her standing there all alone. She felt embarrassed and her cheeks started turning red and burning on her skin.

Why did she felt like that around most people? They could make her blush by doing nothing, she hated that. Every attempt to try and talk to somebody has been a total disaster just because she would stutter and mix things up. She wished she was more like the other girls in school who could talk to anybody, especially the guys. How did they do that? Just watching them do it seemed really easy until she tried.

Not wanting to think and worry about that anymore she took her glasses off and laid on the bed. She plugged her headphones in and pressed the play button. The song that started to play made her think of thing she never did. Her heart was racing fast and she had that stupid smile she pulled when she thought of someone she found attractive. Was her nonna right? Did she like him?

As the song continued The 1975's accents made her think of Luke. She didn't know how or why, but they did. He was starting to preoccupy her mind and she never wanted that. He would never look at her the way she wanted, he wasn't that type of a guy, right? 

A couple of more songs were played after she paused and placed her phone next to her glasses and drifted into sleep.

She was awaken at 7 am just because she forgot to turn off her alarm. When she saw the time she made a small groan and knowing her nonna is probably awake by now, she got up and went to the kitchen. She was right, her nonna was sitting in the kitchen reading a newspaper and drinking a cup of coffee.

"Lia" She was very surprised when she saw her granddaughter up so early in the morning and what seemed to be a statement turned into a question.

"why are you awake so early?"

"I forgot to turn off my alarm and well-" She was going to finish her sentence but the sound of the phone ringing in the other room stopped her.

"I'll get it nonna" She practically ran to the other room, just like she did when she was a little kid, and answered.

"Oh, hello Mrs Hemmings" She was slightly surprised by who was on the other line, she never expected to hear Luke's mother on the phone.

"Yes, of course, just wait a second."

"Nonna, it's Mrs Hemmings and she wants to talk to you." She turned to her grandmother who was now up and ready to take the phone in her hands.

She didn't want to stand there and seem like she was listening to their conversation, it was just rude, so she went back to her room and stripped the clothes she has slept in and went to search for some clothing in her wardrobe. She managed to find a crop top and those new high waisted shorts she bought the other day, but there was something unusual that she noticed on the leggings she slept with. There was a red stain on them and she new exactly what that was. Now she had to find different shorts, ones that were a lot darker than the previous and go and buy pads. 

That was a part she hated the most, going to the store and buying those things, but she didn't have a choice. She quickly dressed up and used some of the old pads she had and was ready to go. 

"Nonna I'm going to go to the store and buy something, do you want me to get you anything?" She was talking as she searched for money in her wallet. 

"No love, thank you. Just so you know I'll be helping Liz with the cleaning later and you could join us if you don't have any plans." 

"Yes that would be great nonna, I'll see you later then." She agreed and hoped that Luke won't be there who knows maybe he'll be wondering around like yesterday.

When she got enough money she finally got out of the flat and into the nearest store.

chapter four yaaaay 

hope you'll like it and pls vote and comment 

and this dedication goes to adolescxnts bc have you read her work? IT''S SO DAMN GOOD 

love you 

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