✿ one

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Half an hour later she was finaly home, her grandmother had started to worry why her loved one isn't back yet. When she entered inside the big, cold flat she was greeted with a hug. She always liked her nonna's hugs, they were warm and made her feel loved. They made a small conversation on how their day has passed and she went to her room. She placed her backpack on the floor right next to the bed she owned and within seconds her clothes were replaced with much comfortable ones. She sat on the right side of the bed which had a perfect view of the outside. The Jonsons had finally moved out. They said the place was too quite for them. Their house was empty now. There were no more late night fights about washing the dishes or morning argues about walking the dog. She was going to miss the Jonsons, they were a really nice family.

Her small observation was interupted by her grandmother asking her whether she was hungry or not. Not wanting to turn her down she agreed and followed the old woman into the small room they called a kitchen. The food was already on the table and the two of them started empting the plates. 

"Nonna, don't you think it would be great if we went on a trip? Just you and me?"

"I don't know darling I think I'm a bit too old for those kind of things. I can barely go to the grocery store without getting exhausted." Her heart broke a little by hearing those words but she wasn't going to give up, besides her nonna deserved a little break from all the working she has been doing at home.

"Please nonna. For me?'' She tried to make the little cute face she did when she was younger when she wanted something and it was declined straight away.

"Lia don't be a little baby now. I think you are old enough to understand some things." Her grandmother's voice was a little louder now.

"Alright. I'll just go to my room now and probably take a nap." Her face had frowned down after the answer she recieved. She never wanted to see her grandmother angry. She hated that, all she wanted was her nonna's smile to stay there forever. But, latety she has been feeling a little down and it probably was from all the work she has been doing and her age. Or maybe she was having a bad day. After her best friend has passed away her nonna didn't have someone to chat over with some coffee and milk. 

While making her way to her room she was able to hear a very loud noise which would probably prevent her nap. She took a step closer to the window and noticed a big moving van and a lot of people arguing about the tiniest things. It was really noisy and she couldn't do anything except watch what was happening outside. While she was scaning the house and all the people who were busy moving the furniture inside and out she saw a tall blond boy dressed in a tank top and dark skinny jeans. All he had in his hand was a guitar case and which seem to be a notebook.

the first chapter is finally here yaaay i hope you like it and please vote and comment

and starting from this chapter i will recommend fanfictions that i have read and liked 

and the first fanfic i recommend you go and read right now is 13 aka Promise me Death 


k love you

flower crowns ➳ l.h {on temporary hold}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora