✿ two

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She stood there and didn't move. She couldn't. The boy with the guitar caught her attention in a heartbeat. But he seemed to be one of those guys that act like they own the world, like everything envolves around them and she never liked those kind of people, they were totaly imature. Maybe this guy isn't like she imagines him to be, maybe he is really nice and funny, maybe he doesn't use a girl for a one night stand. So many theories were running trough her mind and everytime she stood and thought about a certain topic she would find herself watching at a stranger on the opposite side.

And she didn't made an exception this time, her gaze was focused on the boy standing infront of her window. As soon as she realized she had been glaring at him for a while now, she immediately snapped out of her daydream imagination and changed her position. Now, she was nervously playing with her fingers while her cheeks were blushing, wondering whether he had seen her or not. A tiny part of her wanted to believe he was, but the other part wasn't so pleased with that thought. When she decided to slightly lift her head up and see if the boy was still there, all she saw were the same men who had been working all afternoon. There was no noise now and everything was calm. She felt like she should go and take that nap she had been craving since she arrived home. She took of her glasses and put them on the little table next to the bed as she laid on the cold sheets. Tiredness took over her as she drifted into sleep.

A gentle knock on the door woke her up, it was her grandmother who wanted to check up on her and see what she was doing.

"Lia I just saw that the new neighbours have arrived" Oh, she already knew that.

"And I'm about to go and give them a warm welcome, are you going to join me?"

Her nonna's mood was much happier now and that put a smile on her face. Not realizing that she was about the see the boy she was starring at a couple of hours ago she agreed to go. After her nonna told her to be ready in ten minutes she figured out what she had done, but it was too late to back out now. She got out of bed, put her glasses on and went to the bathroom where she fixed her hair a bit and washed her face. Putting on make up was just going to take away her time and she needn't have to use coverage because she didn't have any red spots on her face. She grabbed her phone quickly and exited trough the door. Her grandmother had been patiently waiting on the couch. After a minute or so they both went out of their flat and made their way towards the house where the Jonsons used to live.

There were still some cardboard boxes with a bunch of kitchen ornaments in the front yard so it was pretty messy. They got closer to the door and her nonna rang the bell. It was not longer than a minute after both of them heard footsteps getting closer and closer towards them. Her heart started beating so fast for an unknown reason. The door opened and a woman with dark hair was stanting infront of them wondering who they were.

"Hello," her nonna started the convesation while she was akwardly standing next to her.

"my granddaughter and I noticed you have moved in and we just wanted to welcome you to our neighbourhood" she finished her sentence and waited for a response.

"Oh, so you are our new neighbours then?" she said it, dimples popping out on her cheeks, as she told them to come inside for a cup of tea or coffee.

They both thought she was very kind, but she kept thinking of her son, at least she assumed he was. But was he as nice as his mother? Would he even like the people he is going to live with close by? The lady, in which house they were in, interrupted her little imaginative conversation with herself as she started talking. She started of by telling her name and surname.

"It's been a couple of minutes since you have been here and I haven't even told you my name " She could tell the woman was a bit worried and wondered wether she made a bad first impression.

Liz was such a nice name and Hemmings just fitted perfectly. After her grandmother had introduced too, both of them continued talking and started being much comfortable with eachother's presence. Her nonna was the one who kept the conversation going. Eventhough she was asked a couple of basic questions about her life, she was never one of those talkative people. 

As they were about to leave and head towards the door, someone enterd inside and threw their shoes on the ground which made a harsh sound. The person made their way into the room where the three ladies were. 

Her heart was beating encredibly fast as she saw who was standing infront of her.

i guess this is chapter two 

and this time the dedication goes to volcanoharry bc monsters inc and 1953 are so fucking amazing and one of my favs fancfic ever 

u should go and read them like right now 

pls vote and comment

ily bye

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