✿ seven

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When she opened her eyes, he wasn't by her side. The air around her still smelled like him and that made her smile like and idiot. Realizing she was all alone, she decided to go and look for Luke or her grandmother. Her glasses were put in an instant and she quickly went downstairs. He was sat on the couch, watching some kind of a film. After Luke told her what his mother had said in the note, he asked if she was hungry so he could order some food. She just noded her head and asked to be excused for a minute. A few hours had passed after she got in the house and she thought it would be a good idea to check if there was something on the back of her shorts. Eventhough that would be really embarassing to do in someone else's bathroom, she just had to do it, after all it would be much worse if she walked around in dirty clothes.

When she made sure everything was in place she went down in the living room where she saw that Luke was talking on the phone, he must been ordering food.

"I ordered some pizza, is that okay with you or should I cancel and-"

"No, no uh it's okay really, I like pizza, and I feel like I haven't eaten one in ages."

"How come?" He asked while he sat on the couch again and tapped with his hand on the seat next to him. She sat and saw that he was watching "Bad Boys", she had seen that movie a hundred times due to the fact that it was played almost every weekend on those film channels.

"Well, nonna has been making all the meals and I tend to eat healthy and loose some weight."

"What's with you girls always wanting to loose weight I don't get it." His face was a bit frowned down and he was fixing his hair with his right hand.

"I guess it's a girl thing then."

That awkward silence was like a friend of theirs who never seemed to leave.

"I'm going to get a glass of water I feel like my mouth is dry as the Sahara Desert." Luke's frowned face seemed to be disappearing which made her feel much better. She felt as if it was her fault that his smile faded when she spoke.

Half an hour has passed since they have been watching the film and eating pizza. As the film passed both of them quoted some of the lines Will Smith said and she couldn't help but laugh at how in sync they were. She didn't have that much fun after her best friend moved away, maybe Luke was a good influence on her. She was now feeling a bit more confident around him. But the time they were spending had to end because her nonna and Liz have come back from wherever they have been.

Both of the ladies were surprised to to see Luke and Lia sitting together, having a laugh and eating. They probably thought they wouldn't get along, but seeing them like that melted their hearts.

"We see you two are having a lot of fun, maybe we should go outside and come back later eh?" Liz teased.

"No, no I was uh waiting for my grandmother, um maybe I should be going now Mrs. Hemmings." When she saw his mother the thought of Luke laying next to her floated trough her mind and she got so embarrassed, for no reason again. Even if she knew that they literally slept together, she wouldn't be mad right? After all they didn't do anything wrong.

"Lia, love I was just joking, don't feel the need to leave you can stay here as long as you want." Liz answered and gave her a smile. She even noticed that her nonna was about to laugh.

"Maybe another day Liz, we're going to go now." Her grandmother gave an answer instead of her.

She didn't say anything, just said a shy good bye and followed her nonna. 

"So you and Luke eh?" 

"Nonna, don't start this conversation we both know Luke and I will never be more than what we are now, and I don't even know what we are." She was getting a bit sad thinking about what she had said, knowing it was all true.

"I'll tell you what the two of you are," She was now listening carefully to her grandmother and wanted to hear what she was thinking.

"you're friends that I am sure will be something even more, just give this some time Lia, everything will fall in place."

i want to watch a film with luke and eat pizza damn lia fuck you

please go and read robbers by luke-hemmings it is so amazing like omg i love it 

and you 

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