Chapter 16

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 Harry and I stay at the burrow as Molly goes to pick up Ginny, Ron and Hermione. We sit in across the room from the couches. Arthur sits on the love seat and Fred sits in an armchair and George sits on the ground next to him. It's dark by the time they actually get home. Ron's smile drops as he sees the anxious look on Harry's face. Harry sighs "Guys, we need to talk..."

 Hermione looks us up and down before staring at our rings "When's the wedding?" she sighs.

 I look at Harry and shrug "New Years Eve..."

 "Bloody hell!" Ron hisses as he notices our rings. He's pissed, I know he is. He stares at Harry, huffing. He points a finger, dropping it, before raising it again, huffing louder "Why, the blood hell, would you not tell your best friend that you're sleeping with the guy in the bed next to you!"

 Harry smirks "Why wouldn't you tell your best friend that you got Hermione pregnant?" Ron shuts up.

 Hermione steps forward and points at me "Why didn't you keep your bloody mouth shut, Draco?"

 I sigh "If you know anything about Veela's, it should be the they can't hide anything from their mates."

 "Mates?" Ron screams.

 "You got your girlfriend pregnant?" Molly screams.

 "Guys!" Harry screams and everyone shuts up "Everyone, sit down! I have some stuff to get off my chest!"

 "Is this about Tom?" Arthur asks. Harry simply nods and everyone sits, instantly.

 Harry stands and I do the same "Okay, I'm going to do this really fast. I'm gay." he starts "And I used to date Tom Riddle and I also dated Cedric. Last Halloween I broke up with Tom. Do you two remember when I left the dance early?"

 Hermione nods "You told us that you were going back to Gryffindor."

 "I didn't, I went for a walk around the tower and I ended up in the astronomy tower." He sighs "Tom found me and tried to kill me with the killing curse... only it didn't work." he scuffs and looks down "I wish it would of." A tear slides down his face.

 I wrap my arms around him from behind, to comfort him. He sighs and leans back, against me, as he continues "He ripped at my clothing and..." he gulps "He raped me." Everyone gasps and Harry laughs nervously "Shut up, I'm not finished." he looks up at me, before continuing "Draco found me and cleaned me up. And we became great friends." he smiles "I don't think I ever told you this, but I've had a crush on you since third year."

 I kiss his forehead "Since first... I believe I had a dream about you." I scuff "It was about the duel in our second year."

 He scuffs "We eventually came out to one another and I had no idea I was his mate. Until that fight we had at the beginning of this year. So, thank you Ron. You contributed to me losing my virginity."

 "For fucks sack, Harry." Ron groans "To much information."

 I smile down at him "I stole your willing virginity?"

 He nods and continues "Do you two remember when we went on a wild Veela chase?" Ron and Hermione nod "That was because Draco had a vision of two weeks ago." I kiss his head, before he continues "I slept walked to the astronomy tower and Draco followed me. I guess I forgot to lock the dorm room door. But Tom attacked us and..." he looks up at me "He put Draco under the Imperius curse and used the Curciatus curse on me... and he raped me... twice... while Draco was forced to watch..."

 I sigh and hug him tighter to me. He smiles at me, weakly, before looking back at everyone. Everyone is shocked... even Arthur. Harry sighs "The trial is tomorrow... come if you'd like." and with that, he pulls me up the stairs and to our room.


 Harry wakes me the next morning. I dress in a black blazer, black skinny jeans, black trainers and a white button up. Harry wears a Mario shirt with a black blazer, blue jeans and trainer. As we walk downstairs, we notice everyone is already up and dressed, except Molly and Ginny. Ron smiles weakly "Nobody hurts a Weasley, without getting the rest of us." he pulls Harry into a hug and stares at me "And we're all Weasley's."


 As we walk to court, we pass a hall and I spot a blonde head. I freeze and whisper "Lucius." he turns and I see his face is at bruised and broken mess. His body stance is off and he stands uncomfortablely.

 "Harry, you did that?" Ron asks.

 Harry points at my bruised jaw "Nobody lays a hand on my mate." he says coldly "Merlin help those who disrespect my mate."

  Then I see something I thought I'd never see. Snape walks past us and smacks Lucius right across his, already bruised, face "Your wife told me a little something, Lucius." he pushes Lucius back and punches him hard. He walks past us again, monotonously frowning "Bloody coward." back at Lucius.

 I frown and run after him, being followed by everyone in my group "Severus!" he stops and turns to me, pulling me into a hug, which receives odd glances from every last person in my group "Severus, calm down, what did my mum tell you?"

 He sighs "I'm sorry I slapped you the other day. If I would have known about your father, I would have never have done it."

 I sigh "It's okay, Severus." I smile "Did you get the invite?" Harry gives me a confused look. We haven't sent anyone invites, but I asked Molly to send one to Snape.

 He cracks a rare smile and nods "I did, but I was wondering, can I bring a guest?" he says in an unnatural tone.

 "What's their name?" I nudge him in his side, playfully. This receives nervous glances from everyone. "Hot date?"

 He scuffs "It's a surprise." he looks at his watch "I must go to meet Madam Pomfrey." he turns to Harry "Mister Potter?"

 "Yes, professor?" Harry asks, nervously. He looks from Snape to me and back again, looking for any sign of help.

 Snape scuffs at Harry's nervousness "Thank you." Harry looks at him in confusion "Thank you for protecting my godson." Harry laughs, nervously, as Snape walks away.

 "I love that man." I say as he turns a corner. I look at my group, everyone stares at me in confusion "What?"

 "He's cruel." the twin spit in unison.

 I shake my head "No, he's not. He's just misunderstood." They look at me, confused. I simply sigh "Our family shows affection, materialistically. Hints, spoiled brat, first and second year, Draco."

 "But you're mum and Snape show physical affection, instead of prizes." Harry says, finally get my point.

 "Yes, Malfoy's usually only give you something if they want to shut you up. The only affection a Malfoy, or Black, or many many other..." I used hand quotes "pure blood family..." I put my hands back in my pockets "Is to make you bury something. For instance, the Nimbus 2001's in our second year."

 "What did he want to keep you quiet about?" Ron asks, receiving 'dumbarse' stares from everyone.

 I sigh "Let's just say, Lucius didn't like the fact that I had a muggle guitar in my room." I shrug. I don't think I could recall all the little things I've done to piss him off.

 I clear my throat "Don't get me wrong, Severus gives me materialistic things, but he doesn't do it to shut me up." I smile "I'm his favorite student."

 Ron scuffs "But yet, he favorers Slytherin." he sounds so confident. But I'm going to fuck up his perspective.

 "That's where you're wrong, my friends." He looks at me, confused. I smirk "This year, he has already taken a thousand points. Eight hundred of which are from Slytherin." Ron scuffs and I continue "He's given almost nine hundred points to Gryffindor."

 Ron nods "I might love Snape, too."

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